How the Winchesters got their groove back: the commentfic meme you totally knew you wanted

Nov 13, 2010 20:47


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sam and dean love each other, audience participation funtimes, do it i command you, meme, meme: commentfic

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Lost in Translation cherie_morte November 14 2010, 00:45:38 UTC
"No?" Sam asks, his voice still off.

"No," Dean replies curtly, shaking his head so Sam will understand.

"Mais, pourquoi non?"

"The answer is in the question, buddy."

Sam tilts his head as if he doesn't understand what Dean is saying. Dean sighs, wondering how you say you've got the wrong soul, asshole in French.

Sam shrugs, walks to the next soul in line and switches out.


"I don't know. Say something else."

"Like what?"

The correct answer was obviously something else with a stupid smart ass grin. Dean shakes his head again.

"No, sorry, you're not as annoying as my brother. Next?"

Sam repeats the action for the fifth time.

"How about this one?" he asks.

Dean pokes at him. Sam makes a bitchy face, but it isn't his bitchy face. Dean groans.

"Dude, there are like 6,000 souls in here. This is going to take forever."

Sam walks back to where he got his most recent soul and puts it back in place. Dean cringes as he recognizes the placid look in Sam's eyes. Back to square one, and Dean almost just wants him to cram another soul back in there whether it's the right one or not.

"What do you want me to do then, Dean?" Sam asks.

"I don't know, man," he scrubs a hand over his face. "But I am not about to sit here and do this shit for the rest of my life."

"Do you have a better idea? I thought you wanted your brother back."

"I do. Just. Can't you, like, I don't know, feel it or something?"


"Yeah, yeah, I know. You can't feel anything. I just thought, since it's your soul and all."

"No," Sam says, a look on his face like he's just hit on something brilliant. "It's yours."


"You know it better than I do, right? I bet you can pick it out."

"Sam, that's stupid."

Sam shakes his head, grabs Dean's wrist and pulls him forward.

"It's not going to work," Dean says, letting his fingers hover close to one of the souls. He feels the warmth on it and wonders if that's the sign or if he's imagining it altogether.

"Is that it? Is that mine?"

"I don't know, Sam."

"Well, here, try this one." Sam drags Dean over to another one and Dean's stomach sinks. It feels exactly like the last one had.

"No," Dean says, defeated. "They feel the same."

"Ah." Sam crosses his arms over his chest. "I got nothing."

Dean keeps walking, half in the vain hope that he'll feel something, half to get away from the stranger wearing his brother's face that still, after all these months, makes his skin crawl.

He turns down a hall and something washes over him. Something pulling him closer to one of the souls down the way--it looks exactly like all the others, but there's an unmistakable feeling of warmness to it. Everything Dean came to know as Sammy wraps around him.

"Come here," he cries out, surprised to hear his own excitement. "Come here, Sam, come on."

"Dude, I'm coming," says Sam, rounding the corner. "What? What's up?"

Dean points and stares at him, not bothering to explain himself. He figures Sam will get it.

"What?" Sam asks again.

Dean's face falls. "You don't feel it?"

"Feel what?"

"Try this one," he says shortly. "Try it right now."

Sam shrugs and steps forward, running his fingers into the soul, letting it seep into him the way he had all the others. Nothing changes immediately, and Dean worries that he was wrong.

And then Sam turns around and kisses him and Dean knows he has his brother back.


Re: Lost in Translation maraceles November 14 2010, 01:06:30 UTC
"No, sorry, you're not as annoying as my brother. Next?"

Hee! So cute!


Re: Lost in Translation cherie_morte November 14 2010, 01:09:57 UTC


Re: Lost in Translation counteragent November 14 2010, 02:07:30 UTC


Re: Lost in Translation whitereflection November 14 2010, 03:49:04 UTC
And then Sam turns around and kisses him and Dean knows he has his brother back.

*hand flails* I am mentally squeaking right now ♥ This is so happy ever ^___^


Re: Lost in Translation bree_black November 14 2010, 04:31:30 UTC
Absolutely fantastic. Dean would know Sam's soul better than he does.


Re: Lost in Translation twirlycurls November 14 2010, 16:01:47 UTC
Awww I love this! Cracky and sweet and funny and perfect.


Re: Lost in Translation electricalgwen November 14 2010, 18:48:33 UTC
"No," Sam says, a look on his face like he's just hit on something brilliant. "It's yours."

*makes dolphin noises* Brilliant! And I love your last line. :)


Re: Lost in Translation metaallu November 14 2010, 23:43:40 UTC


Re: Lost in Translation mistyzeo November 15 2010, 15:42:11 UTC
I love the idea that Dean would know Sam's soul!


Re: Lost in Translation xenachakram12 November 15 2010, 18:38:31 UTC
OH, GOD. *heartclinch* Love it.


Re: Lost in Translation mdlaw November 18 2010, 00:42:53 UTC
That Soulless Sam, he's pretty darn smart. m :)


Re: Lost in Translation locknkey November 18 2010, 07:41:17 UTC
*happy dolphin noises*


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