Jul 15, 2010 23:21
There is a certain breed of argument that pops up every so often when the fandom is busily cycling through The Never-Ending Winchester Butthurt Variations Story that goes something along the lines of "I don't care about just SamnDean, I care about the brothers as SEPARATE, HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS learning to live their lives in SEPARATE AND HEALTHILY INDIVIDUAL ways" which, well, whatever, far be it from me to start telling people how to do their fandom thang... until some of these aforementioned arguers start giving SamnDean's the eye and exclaiming "why don't you want the Winchesters to be healthy people with healthy relationships?? :[[[["
It just kind of makes me want to wave my hand in the air and say "hello? Sam and Dean are actually neither healthy nor unhealthy, due to being fictional characters?" Okay, yes, goodness knows when Sam or Dean (let's face it, mostly Sam) are being especially tragic I will flail my arms around like an octopus in a really exciting anti-gravity situation and wail "nooooo" because I am extremely suceptible to the telly box's emotional manipulation... but the day I start wishing that our Brothers Winchester would go about their relationship in a healthy way because oh my goodness I just want them to lead a normal life! is the day Imma hang up my octopus arms and dedicate my life to Time Team instead, because clearly on that day fictional angst and fucked-upedness will have just become Too Much For Me.
(The day Kripke and/or Sera start making our Brothers Winchester go about their relationship in a healthy way, I am just going to hide in Batman forever. NOW THERE IS A CHAP I CAN TRUST TO BE RELIABLY INSANE.)
fan: the goddamn batman,
those damn winchesters,
fictional codependence is a-okay,
prove me wrong mr kripke