(no subject)

Jun 18, 2010 22:59


1. I got really really muddled and spent half an hour hanging around in the IT rooms waiting for our Very Important Year Meeting which started at half ten only to get to the lecture hall to discover that ACTUALLY said VIYM started at ten. wtf self. Ohhh the deathglare I got from my tutors. Ah well, it doesn't really matter, because:

2. I GOT MY RESULTS BACK. And I am well chuffed. (Standard disclaimer: the marking system in England/possibly the whole of Britain is very different from the marking system in what seems to be the entire rest of the world. So 70 or above is an A, 60-69 is a B etc.) I got a 68 in Screenwriting, a 72 for my PSI essay (the one about To Kill a Mockingbird), and 76 for my Making Nations essay. That was the one about A Scandal in Bohemia and Lady Audley's Secret. Moreover, that was the one I wrote in four panicked hours on the day it was due in after leaving my copy of Lady Audley at home and having to make a buttload of extra bus journeys to fetch it. HOLY CRAP 76 WHAT. I may have screamed and cried a little bit when my tutor gave me that essay back.

3. Watched a lot of footie today. Serbia are my new favourites. England are just embarrassing. Oh boy.

4. I AM GOING HOME TOMORROW. I'm 98% packed, my parents are coming at 11am, I've just spent the last fifty minutes dashing around wrapping up crockery and hefting a few of my bags downstairs in preparation.

5. I'll pick the 30 days of SPN meme back up on Sunday.

rl: fal, rl: my ridiculous degree, fan: football occasionally

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