How is it that my local WHSmiths can stock multiple copies of Engineering In Miniature (articles on all aspects of model engineering!) but have not one single writing magazine of any title?
BLOODY CORNWALL. It is where old people come to die/build model trains.
Anyway, SPRING HAS HAPPENED. The sunlight was actually warm today. I stepped out of the house this morning and DID NOT IMMEDIATELY SHIVER AND PULL MY GLOVES ON. I even saw a bumblebee, I think! I'm not quite sure, as I only saw its shadow on my blind. So it could have been an extremely fat fly.
Further good news:
- Had my first Politics of Subjectivity and Identity seminar today (from henceforth we shall call it PSI) and it seems like it's going to be a really interesting unit. We have to do a "multi-media critical reflection of your own experience of self-identity" over the next few weeks, which might even potentially be fun. I'm thinking of doing a comic, as I enjoyed Hourly Comic Day so much.
- The incredibly creepy hanging dolls from Monday are still hanging and they're still creepy. One of them has a hole in its forehead. DISTURBING. I shall take a photo tomorrow, if I remember.
Now I have to go read Jane Eyre plot summaries, as I have a seminar on the book tomorrow and I have given up on reading it. BUT FIRST, I AM NOSY.