my brother may have something to do with my aversion to overtly loving weecest

Jan 28, 2010 22:42

I AM SO GLUM TODAY. I have the mid-menstrual cycle blues and I haven't even tried writing anything in a good couple of weeks, which is just not on, really. (To be fair, I did have rather a lot of work to do, but now I am free from deadlines for a while and yet I spent today just mooching around reading To Kill a Mockingbird. At least it was somewhat productive mooching, I guess.)

Therefore, I declare this Let's Talk About the Weird Shit We Did/Thought/Said When We Were Kids! day. BECAUSE THAT'S ALWAYS GOOD FOR A LAUGH.

Until the age of about nine or ten, I was firmly of the opinion that adults couldn't make spelling mistakes. I really looked forward to the day that I would turn eighteen and magically be able to spell everything properly! It was a bit of a let down.

Also, when my brother and I were in infant school (he couldn't have been any older than seven, so I guess I was about five), he somehow managed to single-handedly convince basically the entire student population that he was a Swedish prince. He also told everyone that I was adopted, so nobody would mistake me for a princess, and formed his very own Swedish Club which he ruled with an iron fist.

(Swedish Club, if you're wondering, involved my brother making our peers run around the playground whilst he shouted things at them in "Swedish." It was awesome.)

eta: I went to brush my teeth and get a drink of water and I came back with a weecest fic plot growing in my brain. Law, thy name is Sod's!

rl: boring things, rl: what the fuck steven, hormonal hormones, tree can't write, in the name of science, meme, tell me your secrets

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