why do the good die/melt young

Jan 11, 2010 11:55



ffff I am going back to uni tomorrow. Technically. I have yet to actually buy a train ticket; my mouse has been hovering near 'purchase ticket' for a couple of hours now, but the thought of all the work that is awaiting me is a bit off-putting.

I have a short story and a theory essay due in on Friday, after which I have to leap into revision for the 48 hour timed essay that begins on Monday, so I may or may not disappear until next Wednesday. More likely may not, as I am far too lazy to spend an entire day working, let alone an entire weekend, BUT YOU NEVER KNOW I MIGHT GROW SOME WORK ETHIC.

I am going to waste my shiny, fresh student loan now. Hooray!

rl: fal, rl: university hates me, omgwtfsnow

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