oh my god this hail is so loud

Dec 26, 2009 16:03

My brother got an electro-acoustic ukulele for Christmas. I CAN HEAR HIM STRUMMING AWAY THROUGH MY BEDROOM FLOOR, which delights me, because I want him to become the next YouTube music sensation. (What? I live vicariously through his musical abilities, okay.)

I did not get an electro-acoustic ukulele, alas, but my mum got me the BBC National Short Story Award 2009 book, which I read this morning. It's inspired me to get off my arse and start editing a story which I'm planning to submit to a competition next month, woo.

P.S. I HATE EVERYONE WHO HAS SNOW RIGHT NOW. Yesterday was possibly the sunniest Christmas I've ever had and now it is HAILING. SIGH. It is really fucking loud, actually. :| Might have to move my editing downstairs. Damn you, attic bedroom.

~Anyway~ a meme is just what we need right now! My year in fic review. Stolen from... some people.

Fandoms. Two: SPN and CWRPS.

Stories. Sixteen, but there’s still a little bit of ’09 to go. I’ve got my spn_j2_xmas to finish off yet!

Words. 26,000 approx. by official standards, but there’s probably another couple of thousand from memes and commentfic and things which I never tagged. WHICH IS STILL NOT A VERY LARGE AMOUNT. Alas.

Challenges. Just the j2_remix completed.

Did you write more or less than you thought you would this year? Well… idk. A lot less than I would have liked, but honestly it’s probably more than I thought I’d write when I made the ‘at least one fic a month’ resolution back in January.

Where did you publish/archive your stories? Right here. That’s the way I rollllll.

What did you write that you didn't predict in Jan 2009? WHAT A STRANGE, STRANGE QUESTION. How can you possibly predict anything you’re going to write in the future? Well, I guess The Roaring of Lions, the Howling of Wolves was a bit of an unexpected one. It came from an idea I’d dropped in the S3-4 hiatus and I hadn’t exactly been expecting to pick it back up again.

What’s your favorite story this year? Man, I have not got a clue. SCREW YOU ALL, I’m choosing I wandered lonely as a cloud. It has LIMERICKS.

Your most popular story? Words For Snow, definitely. So that’s what happens when you bother to actually write your pairing instead of subtext-laden gen. (But I do love me some delicious subtext-laden gen.)

Story most under appreciated by the universe? idk. Stop asking me these difficult questions D: Everything’s been pretty well received! Shit, even the fic about Sam and Dean building a PILLOW FORT was well received. Idk. If I could direct the universe towards something from this year, it would perhaps be New York Will Thaw, but as I never actually posted it outside of my LJ I wouldn’t call it under appreciated.

Story that could have been better? Everything could be improved, even if it were just by rearranging a sentence or changing a word. I don’t know if there’s one specific fic. I guess I kind of look back on Words For Snow with the most discontent, but that might just be because it was so popular. POPULARITY MAKES ME DISTRUSTFUL, apparently.

Sexiest story? I am going to cheat and pick something which is unfinished and doesn’t actually fall under the fic tag (and therefore isn’t part of the total fic/word count, uhoh), because this is ME and therefore it is the ONLY sexy thing I have written all year, never mind sexiest. My accidental, out-of-nowhere post-S4 bloodkink wincest fic. I should really finish that one day…

Most fun story? Possibly I'd marry your cat just to get in the family. That was pure shits and giggles, that one.

Story with the sweetest moment? The end of We can make origami with the kids for a while gave me five cavities AS I WROTE IT.

The story that made you cry? Oooohhh. I’m not sure if any of them did, actually. Which is surprising, because my soul is EXTREMELY SENSITIVE. I get watery eyed if the sunset shines on a dustbin in a particularly beautiful manner. (No, seriously, this has happened.)

NO, this cannot be. I must have welled up a little bit at SOMETHING I wrote, at least. Perhaps Words For Snow? Oh, oh, I think a parachute descending from the sky choked me up a smidge!

Hardest story to write? The Roaring of Lions, the Howling of Wolves, HANDS DOWN.

Easiest story to write? Either The Silence of a Summer Morning or May December. VERY, VERY DIFFERENT FICS, but both of them were just a case of plonking myself down at the keyboard and typing, without even a smidge of a plan. (Although arguably, May December didn’t need a plan, what with being entirely about Jared and Jensen talking about a birthday cake.)

Most overdue story? Well, The Roaring of Lions kind of took a year to write? No, screw it, I am going to flout the meme and give the overdue award to one of my WIPs (it’s number one on the to-do list, after spn_j2_xmas!) which I have been working on, on and off, since April ’08.

Did you take any writing risks this year? Not especially, no. I’d say it’s been pretty standard fare. Perhaps I should try to write some NC-17 BDSM evil!Dean/Castiel fic next year. (Naturally they murder Sam and have an evil, angelic shag on his corpse.)

Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year? WRITE MORE. Write something longer than 10k. Maybe even longer than 20k, too. Finish at least a few of the things on my t-do list. I guess I’m sticking with the a fic a month resolution, as it seems to have worked reasonably well this year.


rl: what the fuck steven, writing, meme, i don't know what else to tag this with

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