First and foremost, thank you to whatever lovely soul took it upon themselves to buy me some extra icon time ♥
You should all sign up for it. I... haven't decided whether I will or not, as my failure to complete it last time still makes me sad. (And I still have the fic idea banging around in my head!) Maybe I should put 'does not write porn' on my sign up thing, if I do it this year. BUT I STILL HAVE PLENTY OF TIME TO DECIDE, so you should all go sign up whist I'm mulling it over.
So there.
MY LIFE: going to
midnightglass's flat for a cup of tea yesterday unexpectedly devolved into making fabulous sparkly eyepatches and decking all her male flatmates out in drag for the fresher's pirate party that evening.
Of course, the queue to said party was so fucking massive that by the time we actually reached the doors it was gone eleven, with the last bus back home at twelve, so I decided paying £6 for half an hour tops just wasn't worth it. WHATEVER I still have my fabulous eyepatch and the night was worth it for that alone.
(And also for hanging out with
midnightglass, I guess.)
The tale of queue woe has made for a good talking point with my housemates, so wayhey.
TODAY: I'm going back to campus to try to hunt SOMEONE down who can tell me what seminar group I'm in. Do I have to be in at 9am on Monday or do I not? I just don't know!
I'M SORRY, this is all a bit boring isn't it. And shall continue to be until things settle in and settle down and I actually find out when my freaking classes are. I might hole myself up in the library and write a bit, though. So that's something to potentially look forward to!
the /loves on meme