Sep 12, 2009 16:57
SO TODAY I LEARNT ABOUT GRINDR. aka that iPhone app for cruisin' the gays (isn't technology so wonderful?)
I have no idea what phones Jared and Jensen have, because I like to pretend I'm not a total hopeless stalker, but I'm pretty sure they should both get iPhones and sneakily apply Grindr, thinking - in a Brokeback Mountain-y kind of way - that at last they can GET WHAT THEY NEED and my goodness who is this sexy Padalot/JRA who has so coyly hidden their face in the picture and whoa they are only one hundred yards away - wait fifty yards away - holy shit they're right outside the door! THEY'RE COMING INSIDE!
(Ha ha coming inside.)
And thus they simultaneously come out to each other and have a hi-larious story to tell all the guests at their big gay wedding.
On the subject of which, today I mopped the kitchen floor and then dried it by standing on old towels and dancing around. Which is fun enough at the best of times, but today it occurred to me 'I bet Jensen does this ALL THE TIME.'
I will leave you with that thought.
j2 aus are a disease,
jensen is my favourite gay now,
jared is a sexual predator,
don't try to deny their epic romance,
you know it would be hot