there's more like me where I come from

Sep 07, 2009 20:34

On the one hand, I feel like I am going to be siiick, argh. On the other, I got a book I bought off of Amazon today - Queer Beats: How the Beats Turned America On to Sex - which is essentially a collection of big gay beat writing. (Jack/Neal OTP.) I've only flicked through it so far, but I am very excited to sit down with it properly. YAY.


I am all of a sudden really eager to write my whenthewarsover, which may have something to do with the fact that the deadline is on the tenth. We all know how I love me a race against time. Revising my original idea - may end up writing something not all that based on my prompt (assuming I write it at all /o\), but hey. Feel too ill for actual writing right now, though.



That was soothing. I feel less vomity now. Perhaps I'll start fic planning.

i love you jack kerouac, sam and dean love each other, hugging is important, the prophet chuck, castiel should not have sex, is it season 5 yet?, those damn winchesters, homoerotic subtext, long-suffering angel adventures, tree loves polls, poll

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