grr argh.

Jul 20, 2009 22:59

Screw you all, you non-fic planning freaks. I'M GOING TO SIT OVER HERE BY MYSELF AND CUDDLE MY STORY NOTES. :(


Also, space travel makes me angry.

THERE, I SAID IT. Go away, moon landing anniversary tomfoolery, I don't like you at all. The BBC tells me one of the astronauts (I forget who. Maybe Armstrong?) was all on at Obama to reignite the space-y flame and maybe get back on the moon for 2020 and I got so annoyed I almost dropped my book. What is the bloody point?

One landing on the moon is quite cool, I will give you that, but WHY DOES ANYONE NEED A SECOND TIME? What is it going to achieve? It is going to achieve a new set of footprints on the moon, a little bit of nationalistic pride and a massive waste of money which could have been better spent, oh I don't know, helping third world countries or funding global warming research or just SOMETHING LESS BLOODY POINTLESS.


Hey America, guess what. I think you're making me EVEN MORE INCLINED TOWARDS SOCIALISM. (I am also probably a Muslim terrorist homosexual.)


(For bonus lulz, imagine shocked!icon!Gollum is the one writing this entry. He has opinions on technology and he wants to SHARE THEM WITH YOU ALL.)

fetch me the smelling salts, my opinions matter guys!, smeagol is free, holy fucking shit oh my god, hormonal hormones, ... in space!

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