HEY I AM BACK. And, well, have been for a while actually, but I couldn’t quite be bothered to update my LJ yesterday, so here we are! Had myself a grand old time with
lapifors ♥ (I have, btw, known her since she was ten. TEN. And people say internet friendships don’t last!)
On Wednesday she took me to Wagamama and laughed at my general inability to operate chopsticks, but I got my revenge by eating half of her chicken ramen, and then we went and saw HP!
I REALLY ENJOYED IT! It had some slow bits and some bad bits and some awkwardly scripted bits (e.g. every Harry/Ginny scene ever), but the awkward Harry/Ginny aside I thought all the ~teen romance~ was pretty hilariously accurate. And also, y’know, hilarious.
Other things I really loved, ‘though I’m already beginning to forget it all:
- NARCISSA MALFOY. I am kind of randomly in love with her! For all she appears on screen for less than five minutes. She may not look much like I imagined her, but the attitude was SPOT ON.
- Also, Helena Bonham Carter, as usual. (But my love for her pales in comparison to NARCISSA.)
- Rupert Grint in general, but especially when he was under the effects of the love potion. RUPERT ILU.
- Similarly, Felix Felicis’d DanRad. Aragog’s funeral may well be my favourite scene in the entire film (maybe the entire series?) HIS PINCER HAND-ACTIONS. HIS CLAPPING.
- The handling of Draco’s storyline! I think, tbh, they did a better job of it than JKR did. I definitely felt a great deal of sympathy for him throughout the film (even though Tom Felton’s face makes me lol. I’m sorry, Tom Felton, but it’s true.)
- CORMAC. Oh my god I love the kid who played Cormac. He did the skeeviness so well! And his expression after he vomited on Snape’s shoes!
- Also, Luna. ALWAYS LUNA. Sigh JKR, why did you love Harry/Ginny so much? Harry and Luna were PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER.
Also, it was utterly fantastic watching it in such a massive cinema in London! Now I know what I’ve been missing all these years. The audience was SO psyched. It was brilliant. People were taking photos of the audience before the film started (which infuriated
lapifors somewhat, but w/e her opinion doesn’t count), and people kept breaking into spontaneous applause - I counted five times, I think (and I joined in with it) - and cracking up in all the right places and YAY. It was such a great atmosphere! I think it could have been the worst HP film of the lot and I would have enjoyed it anyway, just from catching everyone else’s excitement.
Hilariously awkward moment of the night: Dumbledore just died, with the emotional music soaring loudly and whatnot, and then - with the worst possible timing - someone let out this GREAT BIG SOB right as said music cut to a moment of silence. Cue everyone in the audience cringing with second-hand embarrassment.
(Which was immediately followed by someone’s phone going on with the Nokia ringtone they use in the ‘please turn off your phone’ ads before films start, which broke the tension rather excellently.)
I’LL TELL YOU WHAT THOUGH, I was rather disappointed by the Inferi. They all looked like freaking Gollum. Much as I appreciate unexpected LOTR crossovers, I’d been expecting some ZOMBIE ACTIONS, dammit. Although, gosh, wasn’t Dumbledore a badass with his massive anti-Zombie fire.
Whatever else I thought about the film, I’ve forgotten it now!
And then on the Thursday we had ourselves, ladies and gentlemen, one FUCK-OFF MASSIVE LOTR EXTENDED EDITION MARATHON. Oh fuck yes. Never has a day spent watching TV been so epic. And EMOTIONALLY DRAINING, good lord. I amazed myself by actually not crying whenever Frodo said something sad or the music hit a dramatic crescendo or the scenery was especially pretty, but it was a damn close thing.
(We paused the marathon a third of the way through ROTK to watch the new Mock the Week and The Mitchell and Webb look, which was a pretty weird change of mood.)
So in conclusion: I am having a massive, massive LOTR fic binge and I could really do with some post-quest recs, particularly of the Sam/Frodo variety. I’ve rediscovered a few of my old favourites, but I can’t really remember where I used to go anymore. HELP ME, INTERNET! You are indeed my only hope.
(Also, on the Friday my hometown had a giant storm in the morning and
lapifors's town had a giant storm - probably the same one, tbh - right after I'd left and I MISSED THEM BOTH. Fuck my stormless life!)
Now for a little bit of Tree’s family history:
This book was written by my great-uncle Bob, who was a badass alcoholic journalist and science correspondent for the Sunday Express. Despite writing books about UFOs, he was actually a sceptic who went around busting fake séances and abduction cons and on the downtime he wrote really, really bad crime/thriller pulp fiction by thinking up the title first and then writing a story to go with it. My dad’s personal favourite was The Stiff in the Fridge, but if any copies of it still exist they’re nowhere to be found on the internet.
Dad did, however, just order the only available copy of UFO book. Family history, woo! Really bloody useful family history, too, seeing as I’m in the process of writing a short story about a man who believes he was abducted by aliens.
On which note, I’m off to the library to see if a) my decade old library card is still valid and b) there are any decent books on UFO sightings in stock.