Holy Shit It's a Con Report Get in the Car: Part One.

Jun 03, 2009 15:39

This con report doesn't have pictures or videos or anything exciting, really. What it does have is unicorns, Subway sandwiches, Genevieve Cortese and a lot of queues.

I hope I don't have to say this, but just in case anyone links this report to people outside of my flist who don't already know the house rules, I don't - and will not - tolerate any bashing of any actor or actress, and especially not of Danneel or Genevieve. If you come into my LJ and leave negative comments, I'm not gonna quietly delete/freeze them. I'm gonna to do it loudly and very, very unpleasantly.

So, that said, here's Friday and Saturday:


AKA, If You Like Queues and Unicorns You Have Come to the Right Place
  • fyi, Penryn to Birmingham is a 5< hour journey. IT’S NOT ESPECIALLY FUN. I started writing some Lilith/Samuel Colt fic (yeah that’s right) but then someone came and sat next to me and she WOULD NOT STOP DRINKING COFFEE. She had brought her own freaking thermos of it and it smelt like AEROPLANES. It was not an enjoyable experience. I was very, very happy to get off that damn train and headbutt rionaleonhart.

  • ALSO, you know what, the NEC is fucking creepy. It was completely dead all the time. That first time rionaleonhart and I wandered down it, we were certain we were going completely in the wrong direction, as surely- SURELY- a place couldn’t be so empty on a Friday afternoon? But if anything, it only got emptier as the weekend progressed. Creepy.

  • So I don’t know if you’ve heard this already - I think someone’s already mentioned it - but the con registration was kinda queue-y. Just a smidge. A… very, very big smidge. ze_pink_lady had been keeping me texted re the registration shenanigans, but I still entered the hotel under the impression that things would be Okay by the time rionaleonhart and I got there. I WAS SO YOUNG AND NAÏVE. Rogue Events pissed on my con innocence and I liked it.

    Honestly, though, I didn’t find it that bad. Maybe because we were two hours late for the intended registration time, so we missed out on a few extra hours of waiting (we only queued for two hours, in the end! (And then some more later, to sort out my photo ops.)) If anything, the longer I queued, the more chillaxed I got. It was horribly hot and my feet got sore and sometimes we’d think we were almost at the front of the queue and then discover we were just at the front of THE QUEUE FOR THE QUEUE (this happened twice), but I had rionaleonhart with me and that’s always entertaining.

  • Two hours or so later, we found theoret and checked in and discovered that the room I’d booked had lied to me about the size of the beds in the picture. Very sneaky, Hilton. I couldn’t exactly complain about it, as that would mean admitting that I was smuggling a third person into my room, so theoret and I just shared a single bed for the three nights instead. It started off cramped, but by Sunday it was just a more intimate location for our conversations about skullfucking.

  • Fun games to play in queues: Hangman, which then became Eaten By A Shark Man, which then became Sam Will Psychically Kill You, Man.

    Also, Truth or Unicorn - in which you spin my Sparkly Unicorn Princess Dean in the middle of the fangirl circle, and whoever his horn lands on has to either pretend to be a unicorn or answer a question… about unicorns.

    It’s actually a lot more entertaining than it sounds. Plus, I am a most excellent galloper.

  • fyi, the con brochure reckons that ‘Jensen Ackles is quickly establishing himself as one of Hollywood’s leading men.’ OH IS HE, ROGUE EVENTS. IS HE REALLY.

  • This was also the day we had our first Subway sandwiches of the weekend. The first of many. When your cheapest option is a £3.50 sandwich, YOU KNOW YOU ARE IN TROUBLE.


AKA, Genevieve Cortese is a Hotass

  • Hey guys guess what? Things ran late today.

  • Also, sharing a room with rionaleonhart and theoret put me in the rather weird position of being the girly morning person. It was like I was in my very own wacky AU episode in which a sleazy angel teaches me lessons about life and love and red braces.

  • Can I just say, rionaleonhart, theoret and I were possibly the most badass tacticians of the entire con. Considering two of us had never even been to a con before and the other had only been to Asylum2, we did a fucking impressive job of staying no less than ten rows back for the entire con. (Funny story: this first morning, we got our seats ten rows back and congratulated ourselves on being so awesome; Sunday afternoon, we got our seats ten rows back and were disappointed by how far back we were.)


    (I was very bad at taking notes during their panel(s), thanks to being too busy being ~charmed by their very presence~ so these parts are not going to be very coherent.)

    • As we have all heard, Jared took a bath. Well done, Jared. Well done. He was quite impressed by the size of my country’s bathtubs.

    • Jensen joked about wanting to be a security guard and wear black on black for the rest of his life. Later on, someone asked if he could be their bodyguard and I can’t quite remember what Jensen said but it made him sound very, very much like a prostitute. This whole weekend was just one big hooker fic, tbh.

    • In a ~twenty years in the future~ episode, 50 year old Dean would be played by George Clooney and 50 year old Sam would be played by Zac Efron. This is casting I could get behind.

    • “Jensen does not want to swap place with a dead person” - what was the context behind this sentence? I do not know. I imagine it is true, though. My notes also tell me that he has the cutest laugh in the world, which is also very true.

    • Eye of the Tiger is on Jensen’s work out mix. OR SO HE CLAIMS. Claims very flirtatiously with a little head nod and a sultry ‘don’t you know it.’ ~He’s so wonderful~

    • Jensen does not speak German. For shame, Mr Ackles. For shame. He promised that he’d brush up on it for the next day, but if he did we shall never know. However, I do know that I’d quite like a fic where Jensen does try to speak German and he wanders around the house mumbling little phrases to himself, wearing nought but his pyjama pants. Inevitably, Jared starts to associate German with Jensen’s state of undress, and it all devolves into really weird dirty talking. (Because Jensen still isn’t very good at German, so he is basically telling Jared ‘my car is blue’ and Jared finds it totally hot anyway.)

    • Uh, anyway. Jared and Jensen work together like a tennis match. Yeah, that’s right.

    • OH ALSO, how did I forget to saaaay. I asked them a question! There was a brief interlude between me going ‘hi’ and me actually asking, during which I was incredibly surprised by how loud my voice came out over the speakers and I stumbled backwards exclaiming ‘OH MY GOD!’ They may have thought I was just blaspheming over them. Sorry, guys. You are not as shocking as loud speakers. But, eventually, I overcame my surprise and asked them what directions they’d like to see Sam and Dean go in next season, and they made the usual jokes about Hawaii (what is with your Hawaii obsession, Jared?) and I can’t really remember what they said after that because I was too busy basking in their presence.


    • His beard was really fabulous. I loved it. He claimed that he just grew it because he was bored, but I think it was because he knew how awesome it was, really. He came out for Sunday’s panel with a TRUCKER HAT on as well, and he looked so delightfully like young!Bobby.

    • Also, he was just generally so charming and hilarious. Doug was on the stage with him, to ask questions people had texted in, and Richard remarked that it was like a quiet dinner with microphones, went on to pronounce ‘Birmingham’ in a hilarious faux-British accent for us, and then made us all say hi to his wife whilst he filmed it.

    • HE’S FINALLY STARTED WATCHING SPN. A fan from another con knew where he lived and basically waited outside the house with her DVDs. Naturally I had to ask him if he liked it, now he’s watched some of it, and he said he did (which, y’know, what else could he say?) but he did not particularly enjoy watching Phantom Traveller WHILST ON AN AEROPLANE.

    • When the BoB people were touring the middle east, Richard got drunk with Black Ops guys and signed a girl’s bomb. Probably not at the same time.

    • A cute little girl gave him a present, so he called out for MOAR GIFTS and it actually worked. Asking for gifts at cons means gifts are given, apparently.

    • He told the story about Jared’s dogs! I had been expecting to be bored by it, as I’ve heard it before so often, but he tells it so well. Oh Richard Speight Jr. *_*

    • Someone in the audience brought up his ‘Larry’ commercials. Which, I had never heard of before, so I looked them up on Youtube. All improvised!

      image Click to view


    • Dude likes making up names for us. In this panel, we were ‘a massive bunch of hellhound riffraff.’ On Sunday, we were ‘hungover hellhound hussies.’ HE DIGS THE ALLITERATION.

    • Again with the being a very funny, charming guy. He kept pausing the panel (both times) to tell jokes. I can only remember this one: Descartes is in a bar, just chilling, having a couple of drinks and so. Once he’s finished his drink, the bartender asks him if he’d like another. “I think not,” Descartes says, and then he disappears.

    • Audience member: what’s your favourite colour?
      Fred: *looks at his underwear* grey.

    • He really digs playing villains. It came up a lot in the panel, what with his resume and all, but I’ll whack it in one bullet. He reckons he gets cast as a bad character because of his face (“Twenty years ago I got to be the hero and kiss the girl, but then I got mouldy.”) YED was like putting on a glove for him, and some other villains he’d like to play are Richard III and Caliban. Also, he likes giving his characters good reasons/excuses to be bad.


    • He hates being boring. He’d much rather take the drastic acting choice than the mundane one. One of his old acting coaches once told him that if he was in a boring scene, he played it like the other guy had a knife behind his back. Which, tbh, sounds like pretty awesome advice.

    • Fred’s theory on Azazel’s future return: “Azazel comes back, Sam goes ‘oh my goodness!’ … which is why I’m not a writer for the show.”

    • During his scene with ALDIS ♥ and the campfire, Fred was having a lot of trouble with the whole not walking into the fire thing, what with being stuck in his blinding contact lenses in the middle of the wood. So in those scenes, whilst Fred’s busy Azazeling it up in his creepy-delightful manner, there’s a massive, tattooed grip off-camera, holding his hand.

    • Possibly the first ever interesting answer to the ‘have you ever seen anything supernatural’ question? Seventeen year old!Fred has a séance with his mates on a haunted railway track, blazing white light appeared, they ran like hell. And then, because they were teenage boys, they went back to try to communicate with this creepy-ass swirling mass of multicoloured lights as it sloooowly advanced on them. And then it got a bit too close to them and they ran away again.

      The very next day, one of Fred’s friends ran off to Indonesia and became a real life demon hunter. So Fred, still being a teenage boy, went back to the railway track alone, only to discover that it had been cordoned off by the very first ghost busters (they coined the term) who had been monitoring activity in the area and presumably gone ‘HOLY SHIT WHAT IS THIS!’ at the crazy spike of Fred-induced activity.


    • I don’t think anyone was anticipating quite how CRAZY DELIGHTFUL these two were going to be together. I knew it was going to be fun, because I’ve heard tales of how awesome they both are, but NOTHING COULD HAVE PREPARED ME FOR THIS PANEL. I can’t lie, I was shipping them within minutes of them getting on stage.

    • Malik wants a union jack t-shit and Gabe had ‘mind the gap’ undies, as a show of their appreciation for my country.

    • Malik is very, very much our performing monkey and he LIKES IT THAT WAY. With only a tiniest smidge of encouragement, he got up and shimmied about the stage. He tried to get Gabe to join in, but Gabe knew he could not compete with such fine moves. (New word: CRUNKING, what people do when they can’t dance but they try to anyway.)

    • The inevitable pranking question: his first day on set, Gabe was getting ready to do an emotional scene when Jensen started giggling at his phone, and then showed it to Jared, who also started giggling. Right before the director called action, they showed it to Gabe too and it was apparently THE MOST DISGUSTING THING GABE HAD EVER SEEN. He refused to say what, but pulled some glorious faces to demonstrate his reaction. (Goatse, maybe?) Also, Gabe was on set back in those magical days when you could hear ‘DAMMIT JARED!’ coming from Jensen’s trailer and know that Jared had just done something terrible/wonderful to him.

    • So now Gabe was feeling kind of sad at never being truly pranked by the guys, aside from his mysterious phone-related trauma, and as he pulled sad faces Malik snuck across the stage and gave him a loving, one-armed hug before bending now to whisper ‘hakuna matata’ in his ear. SEE WHY I WAS SHIPPING THEM?

    • How would they like their characters to come back on the show? A fan suggested ‘naked and crying.’ Malik would like to come back naked. Gabe confessed that none of his fantasies (and he’d had FANTASIES about Andy coming back, oh Gaaaabe) had involved being naked, but he told a cute story about how excited he and the casting director had been re Andy’s return at the end of season 2. She promised she’d get in touch with him as soon as she got the script, but then she was at a party with him and she’d had a bit to drink so she just came up to him “I GOT THE SCRIPT. YOU TOTALLY DIE 8D” in a very excited manner.

    • Eric Kripke was very much a theme of the panel. I love how they have the same love/hate relationship with him that we do. Malik kept calling him ‘Eric Krip-krip-kip’ and whenever they were bitching about their characters being offed, one of them would whisper ‘Kripkeeeee’ in an ominous voice.

    • Gabe’s driver for AHBL was a fan of the show and he was really sad re Andy’s death. After Gabe told him, there was a long, long pause whilst the driver, idk, soothed his broken heart, and THEN he asked if his body was salted and burned. BECAUSE EVEN DRIVERS WANT ANDY TO COME BACK.

    • An audience member noted that the one thing they have in common is that they were both killed by little girls. How did that make them feel? Gabe has punched more kids since, and Malik has choked a child before she spoke or raised a finger.

    • Then another audience member asked if they thought demons were evil or just misunderstood and, for some reason that went completely over my head, GABE AND MALIK BURST INTO HARMONISED SONG. OT fucking P, guys. They are it.

    • Finally, they were asked what they’d call the Impala if it were their own. I can’t remember what Gabe named it, but he said that he’d paint it on the side of her. Audience made disapproving noises, and Gabe retorted with “IF I’M NAMIN’ IT, I’M PAININT’ IT.” Malik, on the other hand, would call the Impala ‘Baby come home’, as you can say it in many many different voices. Which he then demonstrated, whilst Gabe looked on at him with awe and wonder and love.

  • AND THEN IT WAS LUNCH. Like I said, I wasn’t particularly bothered by the epic amounts of queues, but I haaaate queueing to get out of rooms rather than into them. I am a tad claustrophobic, especially in crowd situations, so 1400 people + three exits = not my idea of fun. So that was a stressful aspect of the weekend.

  • Because rionaleonhart, theoret and I are big fat dorks, we spent pretty much every trip to the NEC opening the automatic doors with psychic hand gestures. (If you’re wondering, the place was still completely dead on a Saturday afternoon. IT WAS CREEPY, GUYS. We were all imagining a zombie film set in the place and it would really, really work.)

  • Number of Subway sandwiches eaten at this point in the narrative: 2.

  • We ate said sandwiches whilst walking back to the hotel and thus finished them just in time to get right back in the queue to get let back into the main hall for the afternoon’s talks. Ahhh, queueing.


    • Never mind Jensen’s hair, Sam’s new cut was SO GORGEOUS. I’m sure you can find pictures of it somewhere, if you haven’t seen it already, but god it was awesome.

    • Amy and Matt were absolute sweethearts. And Sam was too, of course, but it was Amy and Matt’s FIRST EVER CON EXPERIENCE and it showed. Everyone clapped after anything Amy said because a) she was just that adorable, and b) she was all new and nervous.

    • Sam revealed that she feels kinda maternal re JDM’s recent success. She’ll see how well he’s doing and go ‘aww.’ Matt revealed that he is a JDM fangirl and he’d actually started watching the show before he auditioned, because everyone in the industry always talk about how awesome he is.

    • Fan asked if they’d ever been star struck, Matt ruined Sam and Amy’s chances of giving a good answer after his own by declaring that he is STAR STRUCK BY FANS. “You guys are my stars,” he said, and everyone in the room went awww and applauded wildly. It was hard to follow up.

    • DEAR FELLOW FANS, PLEASE MOVE ON FROM THE PRANKING. GET OVER IT. JARED AND JENSEN HAVE SAID THAT THEY DON’T REALLY DO IT MUCH ANYMORE. AUGH. Although, it did inspire Matt to say “Jensen asked me out on a date … I don’t think he was pranking me at all.” I guess even the one episode guest stars know about our love for homoeroticism, now.

    • The papier mache Mary they burnt on the ceiling in Sam’s place was called ‘Crispina.’ I like it.

    • Everyone loves the Supernatural set. Matt reckons it was the most rewarding work experience he’s ever add. Amy reckons she’s been spoilt by the experience because the set was so awesome no other show can compare. N’aww.

    • Matt felt like he could really raise a family in that van he looked at in the episode.

    • Cut line: Mary was going to stare at the Impala and say “I hate it.”

    • Amy wanted to keep all of her costumes, but couldn’t. She did, however, get to keep the extra curls they put in the back of her hair. I do wonder what she does with it now. Does she put it on sometimes when she wants to feel extra badass? (I hope so.) A while after the episode, she saw a shirt like Mary’s on sale and just HAD TO BUY IT. Similarly, Matt kept John’s comb-over for months.

    • Sam likes BOTH RUBIES, SO THERE. Katie Cassidy got, predictably, the biggest cheer (how many of those people were fans of her whilst she was actually on the show, I wonder?) but I yelled out FUCK YEAH! when Genevieve was mentioned, which I think got my message across.

  • I missed all but the first few minutes of Misha’s Saturday panel (during which he noted that he didn’t have to do much to win our approval. Astute observation, Misha), as I had to dash off to get my autographs. rionaleonhart came too! However, once we’d actually got into the auto room and were queueing for Malik, my number was called for the Jared photo ops, so I had to dash off and get that instead.

  • TBH, I do kind of regret getting the photo op. I really don’t feel any resentment towards the no-touching thing (what would I have done with myself if Jared Padalecki were touching me, anyway) and I don’t really feel resentment towards how quickly everyone had to go, either, but it was a lot of money for very little. I’m so critical of my appearance that I don’t even like the picture I got, and I can’t just ignore my face and focus on the happy Jared-related memory as it was too rushed for a happy memory. Ah well. I guess in a few months/years I’ll be able to look at it without wanting to stab myself in the face.

  • BUT ON THE PLUS SIDE, JARED IS TRULY GORGEOUS UP CLOSE. Even if I only got a second to admire said gorgeousness.

  • ALSO ON THE PLUS SIDE, JARED’S BODYGUARD TOTALLY DUG MY BOOTS. YEAH. That was one of the definite highlights of the con. Because, well, I love my boots. Any compliments toward them make me happy, but when the compliment comes from a massive, built-like-a-brickhouse, dressed-all-in-black, BODYGUARD TO JPAD kind of guy? Fuck yeah.

    He had extra time to admire them as I very almost forgot my bag in post JPad-daze, so I almost went through the door as he held it open and then went ‘OH!’ and swerved around to the bag table. Second attempt at going through the door, he looked down at me and said “Hey, nice boots.”

    “THANK YOU 8D” I said, as I stumbled out the door and clutched my folder to my chest like a trembling little schoolgirl.

  • Then, once I was done with the post-JPad shivers, I dashed back off to the auto room. The guy manning the door let me go straight back in, as he knew I’d had to leave for my photo op. As I was a poor student already spending way too much money on the con as is, I only had my fave poster from one of the SPN mags with me for signing:

    1. Malik. NEEDLESS TO SAY, HE WAS LOVELY. I was very apologetic and all “I don’t have anything with your face on it, so you can deface this at will” as his handler passed the poster to him, and he looked up at me with his lovely, lovely face and said, very seriously, “No, no, I’m not gonna deface it.” AND THEN HE SIGNED IT WITH HIS LOVELY HAND. I do wish I’d said something fangirly re how awesome Henricksen was, but I was too busy going THANK YOU 8D So, once again, I stumbled away, to:-

    2. Fred! I… can’t for the life of me remember anything that I said to him or that he said to me, but I know I came away from his table feeling utterly charmed. He seems to have that effect on me. So, next:-

    3. Richard. His queue was disproportionately long, seeing as he was - against the con’s rules - taking the time to talk to everyone and personalise their signatures. I got a bit miffed whilst I was waiting in the queue, it was going that slowly - the con worker weren’t letting anyone else join Jensen’s queue, so everyone in Richard’s oh-so-slow moving queue was just turned in Jensen’s direction, staring at his beautiful face.

    But then I finally reached the front of the queue and FORGAVE RICHARD ENTIRELY. He is just so lovely, guys! He asked me how I was and when I admitted that I was feeling a little star struck by everything, he went “Wait, there are stars here? REALLY? *stares around in amazement* Oh my god, would you like at that, it’s Gabriel Tigerman!”

    4. And next, ofc, was Gabe! “Hey,” I said, brightly, “that guy with the beard says you’re on this show called Supernatural or something!”

    “Oh yeah,” he said, “it’s a cool show. I star in it,” only something funnier than that, but I just can’t remember anymore.

    “Well, I guess I should check it out sometime,” I said. And then I took my poster back and thanked him and skipped away to squee because HE IS JUST WONDERFUL.


    • Sooo, yeah. I really cannot remember anything of this panel. Except for this incredibly creepy woman who called him ‘my little cupcake’ and asked him questions in a voice that sounded like she did voice-overs for dramatic adverts about cleaning products. She was creepy.

    • HOW HAVE I FORGOTTEN EVERYTHING? I. I am completely stumped, really. Go watch ze_pink_lady’s panel vids, if you really need to know.

    • Although, I do remember the question I asked him. Because I really, really wanted to know how they did the psychic seizure effect in 4x21 (yes, “zany psychic seizures” was the phrase I used in the question. I think he kinda dug it.) Stuntman on a harness slammed into the wall! Jared just turned himself around and around against it! He actually got up and demonstrated his moves for us, which was nice. That part of the wall was actually made of rubber and spray painted to look like the rest of the panic room, which I found incredibly cool.

  • So then we went to get tea. (Number of Subways eaten at this point in the narrative: 3.) And then, guys - AND THEN - I whacked my devil horns on and we went to take in the evening entertainment. If you didn’t follow my twitter, I say it again here: Coby Brown was seriously awesome. I want his CD! Jason Manns was pretty good too. He did an awesome cover of Tracks of My Tears, which I had stuck in my head for the rest of the weekend.

  • Once the concert ended, everyone got up off the floor to go get drinks/mingle/what have you, and we noticed that there was a bag left on the floor. I grabbed it up and we wandered towards the stage to find a staff member to give it to. Only, OH MY WHAT IS THIS, we bumped into smidirini on the way!

    “Oh hey,” she said, “did you know Genevieve’s over there?”

    “WHAT,” we shrieked, and we thrust the bag at her and ran away. (And then came back and explained that the bag was lost property, and then we ran away again.) Caught a glimpse of Genevieve behind Jason Mann’s autographing table, before the con workers cunningly drew a curtain, at which point we, y’know, bounced around a bit and dashed around to the back door to beg a con worker to pass on our love to her. Whether said con worker did or not, we may never know, but not too long after it was announced that Genevieve was going to come out and do some autographs. Conveniently, we had been lurking right next to the stage like creepy stalkers loving fans, so we were pretty much right in front of her autograph table when the line began to form. STALKING PAYS, GUYS.

  • But, oh my god, she was just so lovely. *_* And OH MY GOD so beautiful. Quite honestly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen irl (after Jensen Ackles, anyway.) I gabbled at her about how I’d been carrying the SPN magazine with her interview around with me all day, just in case it was true she was here and I bumped into her. Due to my complete inability to look celebrities in the eye, I didn’t really see her reaction to that, but theoret was absolutely delighted by it and insists that Genevieve was very touched to hear about how ridiculously fangirly I am. She is just SO INCREDIBLY SWEET, guys. She shook me by the hand afterwards and I’m not quite sure who was thanking whom more, her or me.

  • Then we all three of us stumbled away from the table (stumbling was a theme of the weekend) and collapsed into each other’s arms to bask in the post-Genevieve glow. It is the best glow ever. (After Jensen Ackles. Sorry, rionaleonhart and theoret! My love for Gen is pure and shining, but JENSEN ACKLES! He told me to suck his dick. That’s a truthy love.)

  • The disco was still going, but after that encounter we had no choice but to go back to our room so we could squee and flap our hands dramatically without all the distracting music. We GENEVIIIIIEVE ♥’d ourselves to sleep.


    • Sunday.
    • Ponies and astronauts.
    • More Subway sandwiches.
    • Queues.
    • And of course, that one time I heckled Jensen Ackles about trivia.


jensen "motherfucking" ackles, my theo tag is not witty, dean = unicorn, unicorns are the best, asylum '09, fangirlish glee, every spn actor ever is just awesome, fan: genevieve cortese, i blame riona too, jared "sexual identity crisis" padalecki

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