delicious fucking flapjack.

Apr 23, 2009 15:15

We’re back to those good ol’ Tree Talks Unceasingly About Her Classes days, I’m afraid. My Critical Practises seminar was cancelled today, which thrilled me, as I hate them and was only planning to turn up to this one because I skipped the last two.

INSTEAD, I am eating delicious flapjack and plotting my latest non-compulsory writing assignment: ~*retell a story or poem*~ AKA. glorified fanfic. I’m doing a noir Orpheus & Eurydice set in the world of organised crime, because apparently one retelling of the myth JUST WASN’T ENOUGH.

Seriously this flapjack is fucking delicious.

(Americans, you don’t have UK flapjack, do you D: They’re not pancakes here. They’re rolled oats plus butter and sugar and golden syrup, baked into DELICIOUSNESS and then cut into squares.)

Speaking of Americans, I keep forgetting to spell centre the British way. FML.


I think my mum worries about my flavoured hot water intake. Every time, in the last seven months, every time she has forwarded post to me, she’s thrown some teabags into the envelope too. Normally just black tea, but today she’s branched out into the herbals. My hot water is going to be a thrillride for the next couple of weeks.


GODDAMN we actually have new show today. I’ve been fairly spoiled, so I’m cautious re the episode, but just having a new episode at aaaall is delighting me. It could be Heaven and Hell 2: Extended Sex Scene Boogaloo and I will still clap my hands with glee and wonder.

Speaking of which, have we all seen that new interview now? Here, if you haven’t.

Idk, the funny bits are very funny. Jensen throwing his head back with lol = always excellent. I do wish the focus hadn’t been quite so much on the Fans Are Crazy, though. Good on them for calling people out on it (although, alas, could they not have said ‘there are a lot of sexist fans’, instead of just lumping us all together?), but it did seem a bit… idk, pointless to me. Highlighting gender issues = useful; mentioning gender issues for one brief second before moving on to tales of Misha = … so what?

It’s just... a critical statement without any kind of assessment or conclusion. WHICH ISN’T REALLY CRITICISM AT ALL.

Okay, I will concede that a full on discussion about the violence inherent in the system might not sit well on daytime TV, but why start it if you’re not gonna follow through? COCKTEASE.

(It does rather make me want a Fuck Yeah! Ruby t-shirt for Asylum, though... "Look, look at me, I don't hate all women!" T-shirt design contest, theoret? Or is FY!R! still too young to handle that degree of awesome?)

OKAY ALL THAT ASIDE, how much do I love watching Jensen throw his head back in bearded merriment? An awful lot, is how much.

The beard is seriously growing on me, guys.

(Ha ha, a pun.)


I have another can of red bull and by god I am going to write some fic tonight or else fashion the can into a rough knife WITH WHICH TO STAB MYSELF IN THE FACE.

Oh, also, I Did Art yesterday! Sam being glowy and psychic. I don't know if I'll bother crossposting it, but I do quite like it. And it is the first ever time since I got my tablet (which was an 18th birthday present) that I've coloured something fully. Historic!

see the violence inherent in the system!, rl: my ridiculous degree, jensen "motherfucking" ackles, writing, tea, misha can make you a door, saving people hunting things, rl: family, lol america, jared "sexual identity crisis" padalecki

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