1. I keep waking up at twenty past nine. WHY. WHY IS THIS. It's still my holiday and I only have one morning start on my timetable, anyway.
2. Things I have randomly started wanting (because they normally happen to Dean so obviously Sam should get it on the action too):
a) SAMPREG. He would be the worst pregnant person ever. (And sometimes when he's sleeping Dean smooshes his face into the Sambelly and sings Metallica tunes to their Mutant Incest Freakbaby. (That is his pet name for it.))
b) Mute!Sam. idk why. I tend to steer clear of deaf/blind/mute fic unless I trust the author to not be a twat, but but but. Maybe he loses his voice as some kind of APOCALYPSE-ENDING SACRIFICE THING or he swaps his voice with a Pagan God TM for a demon-blood removal (once he's done with the demonblood junkie shakes, anyway.) MAYBE BOTH. AND THEN the apocalypse is averted and him and Dean are trying to fix their relationship and learn how to be brothers again with bonus Sam Cannot Talk angst. Or something.
3. wanttobeatree: speaking of the voicing of problems, I meant to ask my mum if the washing machine would work okay with the dishwasher on as well, but what came out was 'CAN WASHING MACHINE AND DISHWASHER... *flaps hands* COEXIST?'
sazzlette: LOLOL
sazzlette: LOVE YOU
wanttobeatree: my mum, who is used to my linguistic idiosyncracies, replied 'yes they can'
wanttobeatree: -_-
4. You know what's interesting? Making soundtracks/mixes is interesting. I'm not kidding when I say I'll start a new mix/fic soundtrack about once a week. I currently have eight fandom and two non-fandom mixes languishing in my playlists, and five of said fandom mixes are soundtracks for fic, one is an actual fanmix and I can't even remember what the other two are about except that I think it's something to do with Sam's Tragic Life. AND I THINK IT'S MAYBE ALMOST AS INTERESTING AS WRITING PROCESSES, SO.
Poll Do it I command you.
Meeeee, uh, I have two ways of going about it. There's the more casual way where I'll listen to a song and think 'huh this could work with a fic/be the start of a fanmix,' so I'll whack into a playlist with an easy to remember name (real example: 'SAM IS CRAZY') and add lyrically/musically relevant tracks to it when they strike me. It can take weeks/months.
THEN there is the CRAZY MAD RUSH OF NEEEED, where I'll get a concept- be it fic or mix- and go through the entire 5k~ of my itunes picking out relevant tracks. I'll end up with about 40/50 tracks and look for a common musical thread in them (often with SPN it is a bit country.) Remove the tracks that don't fit the theme, and I'll have maybe 20/30 left. I'll listen to them all and remove the ones that don't fit quite right, for whatever reason- I have to really think about what the story is; sometimes I'll check out a song's lyrics if I'm wavering over whether or not to keep it on board. (Sometimes, though not often, I will get an idea for a fic/mix, and know roughly what tracks to have on it without the crazy searching. These ones tend to have a shorter tracklisting.) Then, once I'm down to about 10 tracks, it is INTENSIVE LISTENING TIME.
I think a mistake people often make on mixes is they focus too much on the story/theme/whatever and don't make sure the music flow. You're making an album; it needs to sound right as well as read right. Usually at this stage I'll know exactly which track is going to end the mix, so I have to find a way to bring the music back to that point, rather than starting at A and going forwards to B. Maybe it's a bit restrictive, but I think it keeps me focussed on where the music is going, so IT WORKS.
Whilst I'm doing that, I'm also searching down the song lyrics and finding the bits relevant to whatever the story/theme is. I'll copypaste them into a word doc in the current tracklisting and see if that story is working as well as the audio one. It can take a long time to reach a compromise between what sounds right and what reads right, although I often don't end up putting the lyrics into the mix when I post it. IDK WHY THAT IS. The one I'm currently working on is going to have them, so I AM BREAKING THAT CYCLE.
I usually have an idea for a cover by this stage in the game, and often I'll be looking for images whilst I'm obsessively listening to the mix on a loop. My skills are limited, as is the program I use (one day, guys, Imma tell you about the overly-complicated, backwards way I have to do shit in openCanvas now the trial run is over), buuuut I can work them to my advantage. The cover for
All roads lead to the same destination still makes me go :3 in a prideful kind of way.
Also, when I'm making fic soundtracks (which, I don't do covers for, and often they're only a couple of songs long), I use the music to help me figure out where the story is going and how the atmosphere is going to feel. Especially when I'm planning longer things, I'll be working out the story and the music simultaneously. The Sam/Dean fic I've currently got in progress didn't really come together properly in my head until I'd worked out what the last track was going to be. Which I think is very reflective of the way I write- I'll figure out point B and go 'right, how the fuck do I get them there.' There are very few fics I'll start without knowing exactly how it ends.
(Although sometimes the ending that you get on paper is point A.9 or B.2. Even with all the short fic I've been throwing out lately, I can tell you what happens a few decimal points down the line.)
SO UM. lol that got a bit long-winded and is possibly terribly boring, sorry. I think I had more to say, but I can't remember it now. TELL ME ABOUT WHAT YOU DO WITH MUSIC WHEN YOU'RE WRITING. Imma go make that cover for my mix now.