2 + 2 = vagina

Apr 09, 2009 10:12

WHY. My subconscious tricked me into waking up at twenty past nine by DREAMING IT WAS GONE 11.


Now, pointless life update:
  • Me + sazzlette + Oxford = a day of sheer badassery. She is making me write adorable original slash fic (I didn't really put up much of a fight, because it is ADORABLE) and I think we opened the door into a whole new world for a pre-teen girl who stared through the coffee house window at our drawings of Jensen Ackles' singing cock. Also, somewhere out there is a statue of Charles Darwin looking 100% like a pimp. In conclusion, YAAAY SAZZFACE. :3

  • And then I went into town for a couple of drinks and some greasy, greasy pizza with Male BFF and barthi, which is why I did not spam the shit out of you with my Sazzy Oxford squee last night. YOU FELT MY ABSENCE LIKE A GAPING WOUND, AMIRITE?

  • Gen's Friends (Plus Pens), if you heart her and want to let her know*~ (I still do not regret the awful name.)

  • Unalliterative Tuesday! There is an extension on last week's instead of a new one for this week, because a) I want to catch up on reading the past few week's unalliterative output, b) I haven't decided what the next picture will be, and c) I am mad with power.

  • Today I am giving in and buying some new socks, because mine are getting ridiculous. Also may submit to the siren call of a Sam Winchester style fugly plaid shirt. Because my current ugly shirt (I like to wear it with my cars'n'motels t-shirt and then my clothes are a metaphorical representation of Sam and Dean hugging. YAY) just is not plaid-y enough.

  • And over the next few days (once I have achieved Sock And Plaid status) I am going to:

      1. Try to finish my stupid stupid J2 fic. It actually has a mailing list now, and BY GOD I will not leave them hanging any longer \o/
      2. Work moar on this Sam/Dean fic. I need to rewatch the last few episodes to work out how to tweak it into canon. Yaaay excuse for a s4 marathon.
      3. Also write ADORABLE original fic.
      4. Also, Big Bang. NGL, it's not really a top priority for me right now. It's very unlikely that I'm going to get it done by 1st May, and I am more than happy with doing art again (and stalking the prompt claiming for fleshflutter's again), and I really want to finish #2 before the next episode fucks with its chi any further. I will write the Big Bang, though, at some point.

SO HEY, HOW WAS YOUR WEDNESDAY? HOW IS YOUR THURSDAY BEING? Tell me all about it whilst I go shower and reply to my supermassive comment backlog.

sam and dean love each other, hugging is important, tree is mad with power, this is a to-do list tag, rl (it happens sometimes), rl: friends, i need to stop making new tags, big bang, fan: genevieve cortese, sazz has lead me astray

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