is it a real chicken?

Mar 31, 2009 11:20

1. This stupid J2 fic is actually going to be the longest thing I've ever written, once it's finished. (Well, the longest fic. I did succeed at NaNoWriMo once. Although once I passed the 50k I never bothered finishing it, SO MAYBE IT DOESN'T COUNT. Anyway-) I- I don't know whether that's a cause for celebration or fear.

2. I ALWAYS PICTURE MACKENZIE ACKLES AS MAGGIE GYLLENHAAL. I'm not sure why. If anything, I should be mentally casting Megan with quirky actresses, seeing as I don't know what she looks like, whereas I have Mackenzie knowledge. (I'M SORRY MACKENZIE, I DIDN'T MEAN TO STALK YOU.) And yet, Mackenzie = Maggie Gyllenhaal. I can't stop myself.

3. I watched Crash for the first time last night, and although it was very beautifully made I would have given the Best Picture to Brokeback. SO THERE.

4. Yeah, it's Tuesday and I still haven't unscreened last week's Unalliterative Tuesday (there are quite a few new people on my flist since then, so explanation.) I've been super busy with Weekend Of Fangirls and trying to finish this J2 fic, so by god I'm keeping it screened until I can write something. MAD WITH POWER.

5. I am so torn between being skeeved at the fangirls bringing Jared's shirtless chicken encounter along to the con and being delighted at how much fun Jensen got out of it. DAMMIT FANGIRLS, PLEASE STICK TO BEING CREEPY IN WAYS THAT DON'T MAKE JENSEN GIGGLE.

Wait, no, that's not right. Please don't be creepy at all?

6. OKAY NOW I HAVE SHARED MY IMPORTANT THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS, I'M GOING TO WRITE MORE. I shall be sure to let you all know when it crosses the 7500~ line and officially becomes The Longest Thing.

mr ackles is watching us masturbate, the idiot box, so not a stalker, jensen "motherfucking" ackles, writing, jared "sexual identity crisis" padalecki

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