Everything I've eaten today has given me a headache. Even my motherfucking CELEBRATORY FLAPJACK gave me a headache. Shit just ain't right. I quit food.
... the sugar I am eating directly out of the bag is not food, fyi. It is Magical Grains of Feelgood Yum Yay.
TWO RECS. Two very, very different recs:
1. The other day I dared loony_moony to write Jared/Genevieve pegging, and apparently I am the queen of persuasion, because SHE WROTE IT AND IT IS HOT. (Queeeen of persuasion.)
2. I Am Not Infected- Zombie apocalypse in LA! Comedy web series! Surprisingly scary moments! Also it is awesome! And potentially slashy, if you need that to persuade you! Although if you aren't already jumping on it for the promise of zombies, I think there's no hope for you! But anyway- watch it all and then pimp it out, because IDG why it isn't massively popular already. (Although maybe it is, and I just hang out on the wrong parts of the internet.)
I've watched a lot of Smallville over these past couple of days.
I have got absolutely nothing to add to that, except maybe that Jason is pretty.