SERIAL FIC STATUS UPDATE: In case you were wondering, I am working on the next chapter. I've just decided not to type anything until November, so I can add it to my NaNo wordcount. Because I am a dirty, rotten cheater :D
Now I would like to share with you all what has to be my absolute favourite picture of Jared in existence:
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Also I am catching up with Della and Sam and sdjkhfsdjhg you guys make my heart ache even when good things are happening. ILU DELLA.
omg yay :3 where are you at?
Please write more. This RP is quickly becoming my headcanon for the actual show.
And also. yknow. the nanowrimo.
As for NaNo I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
Not that mine will ever be able to compare to Mpreg salmonella (is... that what you call it?), but I'm working a more, uh, "srs" angle. I'm not sure NaNo is the perfect time to be tackling sensitive and painful issues in the gay community, but what the hey, I'll give it a try.
Yes we call it Salmonella >D And OF COURSE I WILL SHOW IT TO YOU. Although it is going to be incredibly ridiculous and I don't really have much planned out beyond the first 5/10k and it's going to have other fic and possibly even homework copypastad into it because I've decided this is the year I'm going to embrace cheating.
I'd say NaNo is the absolute best time for sensitive and painful issues. (And for ninjas.)
This sounds awesome, and I fully concede to copypasting my coursework into last years NaNo AND STILL LOSING ANYWAY. So really. I've resigned myself to being a NaNoWriMo loser, but I have more fun planning than writing anyway (although reading back my NaNo from a couple of years back, it actually surprisingly good when it's not gay porn).
Do you know anything about reparative therapy camps? Google isn't very helpful and the NaNo realism forum is slower than an inebriated tortoise going backwards without any legs. I think most of what I've got so far is a bit made up, if dramatically effective...
I KIND OF have a vague potential plot, but I'm not making decisions on it until I start writing and see whether or not it's going to be Srs NaNo or Cracky Nano~
a) make it up, b) little_details
Mine is, it has to be said, potential self-insert NaNo. But we've all done it (are you ever gonna finish that zombie one?) so there we go.
HMM. I shall investigate. Naturally I am concerned about offending people because it's such a delicate topic and let's face it, I worry about offending people when talking about... well, anything.
Naaah, I doubt I'm ever gonna finish the zombie one. sry2say. I may reuse the plot in something else one day, though, so don't give up hope.
Oh bb are you doing that thing again? That thing where you take your NaNo seriously? :(
Awww, okay. I shall just have to enjoy what's already there then, I guess.
Nah, I actually just have a strange fascination with the whole concept in general but am too nervous to really ask. I think "But I'm A Cheerleader" put a far too light spin on the whole business. Being a romantic satire, and that.
Okay maybe I'm taking it slightly seriously but only because I really like the story I've got!
... I even have a playlist. AN ACOUSTIC PLAYLIST.
Awww bb. Take it seriously then, if you really like it! But don't stress about getting it all accurate right now. If you get it finished and want to do more with it, NaNo's only gonna be the first draft, after all.
>D I am totally making a Salmonella fanmix.
I'm gonna try and be laid back about it. Most of the scenes are quite fun and lighthearted to begin with anyway, it's only about 10k in it begins to get very serious and dark and grim and possibly venturing into torture porn which I don't want it to actually become because Hostel really sucked :/ also ew.
AWESOME. I might post my current provisional acoustic playlist and then post the final one after November to SEE HOW MUCH THEY HAVE CHANGED. Fun times.
I think the Salmonella might end up becoming serious and dark, simply because it is very hard to keep the angst out of this 'verse. (You may have noticed.) Ew Hostel, though. I've never seen it, but SOMEHOW I DON'T WANT TO.
omg this has reminded me. I should totally post the soundtrack from my Big Bang one day. Okay, I didn't finish the fic, but the soundtrack was badass.
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