If that's a philosophy then that's my philosophy.

Oct 23, 2008 14:00

PS. Anyone have any good fic recs? My reading list is a bit low and nothing that's on it has jumped out to grab me, anyway. Have I missed anything epic? (No Castiel slash plz D:)

And a few hours later, I’m showered, refreshed, somewhat more awake, and rocking the autumnal look with my face. (An awesome blend of orange, brown and black eyeshadow. I tried to take a photo, but my camera is awful and it came out looking like crap, so LET’S JUST PRETEND.) Thus, ready to face the world and talk about those things that really matter.

Which is to say, Chad Michael Murray.

Remember that time when I polled the masses re how tall he should be? Frankly, I’d be concerned if you didn’t, seeing as it was only a few days ago. Anyway, the time has come for the big, Chad Is Yea High reveal.

Yes, the all-caps marquee parade was necessary. Am I the only person baffled by this height? (sazzlette, you don’t count in this question, considering how frequently the ‘Chad is too tall’ topic crops us between us.) Whenever I watch OTH and Lucas looms up over someone, I have such a ‘… wait what?’ moment. And it’s not like I’m new to him now, either. I’m on the sixth season, and yet still caught in this perpetual loop of Chad Surprise.

I think there’s something about scrawny, dorky, douchey, blond guys that just requires they be a bit on the short side. So I’m righting this cosmic wrong by making my mental image of Delaware Singer a little bit shorter every time I’m confused by Chad’s unexpected tallness. Currently, Della’s about 5’8/9 (and I think Sazz has him a bit shorter.)

I can’t believe I’ve just written two paragraphs on how tall Chad Michael Murray may or may not be.


Okay, whilst we’re having big reveals: the people have spoken, and I have chosen what this years NaNo adventure is going to be.

Yes, that’s right. I’m doing the Sam/Della MPREG. The worrying thing is, I actually have something of a plot idea for it. And it’s not an entirely cracky one, either.

(Chances that I’m actually going to complete this year are slim, though. Okay, the first week of NaNo is reading week, but I’ll have three essays to plan as well. And then there’s three essays to write for the rest of November. Still, if I get caught up in the sheer joy of having Sam knock up my ridiculous OMCs, I could always have myself my own personal NaNo over the Christmas holidays.

((If I really get into it, I’ll probably illustrate it too. Oh god oh god.))

eta: okay someone sneakily got in another vote before I remembered to close the poll, but idc. I'm sticking with the Salmonella now.


I'm assuming everyone's already seen these photos of Obama, but just in case. Go have a look. There are some beautiful shots.

*has politician envy.*

delaware singer actually, i'm pretty rad let's face it, chad chad chad, let's all be democrats okay, a little in love with chad, politics, i can't believe i need another mpreg tag, nanowrimo, why oh god why

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