
Oct 20, 2008 02:15

Apparently, it is my destiny to just not like the pictures everyone else in fandom is squeeing over. BOYS, START GETTING BETTER PICTURES, SO I CAN SQUEE TOO. (Okay, this one with the big grin is kind of adorable, but that's the only one.)

This one is my favourite. Allow me to summarise:
    1. His legs look shorter than his torso. Where have those legendary padalimbs gone?
    2. His jacket is apparently made out of duct tape.
    3. Seriously, that jacket is hideous.
    4. And it makes him look like a hooker.
    5. And his face looks like it's a product of Morph Thing. (Less noticeable this small, but you can really see it in fullsize.)
    6. He has apparently chosen to match his hooker!duct tape with the shining beacons of hope that are his trainers.
    7. Really, the only way his outfit could be more tragic is if he were wearing one of his fabled Ugly Print Shirts, except that would probably tip the scales into hilarious rather than just plain sad.
    8. And I've just noticed, the jacket makes his arms look like those fake arms you get in joke shops. You know, the ones with the plastic hand and the stuffed sleeve and it just kind of flops around bonelessly? That's his arms.
    9. Awkward pose is awkward STRIKES BACK.
    10. In conclusion, Jared Padalecki is a duct tape-clad hooker chav with fake arms and no legs. ♥

bad at the reach around, it's like staring into the sun, bad fashion choices, unusual bodyparts, jared "sexual identity crisis" padalecki, jared isn't actually human you see

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