i. I had such a ridiculous dream last night. EVERYONE WAS IN IT. There was some kind of fair going on at a farm (yeah, my dreams are riveting), and apparently my brain had decided it need to be populated solely by my flist. IDEK. Nobody was really doing anything interesting (you were at a farm fair, what do you expect?), but
fleshflutter had a kitten, and
sazzlette was playing the trumpet with Frankie Boyle; then Hugh Dennis helped me chase a duck out of my pedal-car and it all kind of descended into madness. And the epic doomed incestromance of Nathan and Lucas Scott.
ii. Which, oh yeah-- I have kind of perhaps been watching OTH. Don't judge me. Initially, I really didn't like it much, except in a OH THE BASKETBALL DRAMAS sort of way, and I was only watching it for the CMM. But, like a fungus, it's been growing on me. Lucas is adorable and I want him and Nathan to become BFF and Hayley is lovely and Brooke is hot and even fucking Peyton is worming her way into my heart.
Okay, you can judge me a little. I think I deserve it :(