I splurged a bit today, and got myself a copy of Bill Byrson’s Notes from a Big Country to go with my issue 2! of! the! Official! Supernatural! Magazine! (Everyone should go and read the OSM, by the way, if they haven’t already. It’s very aesthetically pleasing, and it does good interviews, and there are posters in the centre of each edition. My walls are becoming so beautifully geeky.) But yes, anyway, reading those plus checking out the latest over at
brits_americans has filled me with some sparkling America!wonder. It’s good to know that, despite my life being so thoroughly steeped in the country’s culture, it can still find the time to surprise and bewilder me.
My current fascinations:
- That JDM apparently say the somewhat incomprehensible ‘everyone can’t’, instead of the much more logical ‘not everyone can’. (eg. everyone can’t be as fantastic as JDM/not everyone can be as fantastic as him.) What is that about? I’d been mostly assuming it was just people making weird grammatical errors, but if JDM says it. I just don’t know what to think anymore.
- The idea that a person could drive for hours without seeing one single other car.
- A lot of Americans seem to dislike the Southern accents. What, why D: They are so lovely and soft and friendly-sounding. Okay, maybe the really strong ones could get a bit annoying, but really strong any accent tends to grate on one’s nerves, so what’s with the Southern hate? MADNESS.
Possibly there were other things I was going to mention, but now I’m all distracted and thinking longingly of Sawyer from Lost, so, um. Thank you, America, for being so dazzlingly entertaining. In return, I offer you a fact that has blown the minds of your citizens more than once:
I have never seen or owned- or known anyone who owns- a coffee maker.