breaking news

Jan 23, 2013 00:12

Soooooo, I went on that date with Male BFF. And it was... good? We went to an Italian place (AND I HAD A GIANT FUCKING SLAB OF SWORD FISH OM NOM) and we did not sit in awkward silence like I'd been worrying. We are going to go on a second date! At some point!

Although I still woke up the day after in a total panic and cunningly avoided talking to Male BFF at all until this afternoon, because I am so great at dealing with emotions/intimacy/even the vague shadow of the possibility of future commitment. LIKE A BOSS.


Also IT SNOWED on Friday (hard enough that I got to leave work early, YES) so I made my customary dreadful, dreadful windowsill snowmen.

SNOWVENGERS, back when they were at their prime. Which is not very prime at all really let's face it. (Cap definitely looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle wearing lipstick, right? I'm not the only one seeing that, right?)

Things only went downhill from there.

windowsill snowmen, rl: questionable love-life, what have i done, fan: avengers assemble ikea furniture

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