
May 26, 2011 23:14


Name: Raserei Hojo
Are you over 16?: Yup
Personal LJ: raserei_hojo
Email: lucaviitzaru [at] gmail [dot] com
Timezone: EST
Other contact: AIM: WintryHorse
Characters already in the game: halcyonism
How did you find us?: Already in the game; before that, dear_mun


Character name: Luke fon Fabre
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Timeline: Just after his rematch with Asch in Eldrant; from the video game.
Age: 18, but he's only been alive for about 8 years.
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: He's a pretty good swordsman! As a replica, he also has the power to use seventh fonons considering that's what makes him up entirely. He has the power to perform a hyperresonance on his own, which is unheard of. A hyperresonance is capable of destroying matter, reshaping matter or transporting the user elsewhere.

Fonons are elemental particles that occur naturally in nature, but are invisible to the naked eye unless many of them are clumped together. While fonons are attracted to other fonons of the same type, so many fonons in one place is a very rare sight. The seventh fonon is artificial and created by the Planet Storm, which fuels the Score and allows it to be read along with the use of seventh fonons.
How would they use their abilities?: At his canon point, he would use them for the benefit of others. Even if using his abilities would hurt himself, he would probably use them if it meant he could help at least one person.

Appearance: Visual Aid

Luke is about 5'6" tall, weighing around 150lbs and is rather muscular for his build. He has long red hair-which he cuts short at one point-and green eyes. He wears a long white trench coat with a black monster face design on the back along with gold accents around the collar and sleeves. Underneath the jacket is a black shirt that allows him to bear his midriff. Luke wears slightly baggy black pants, kept around his waist by a gold belt with a silver buckle. His hands are covered with gloves of a golden color and he carries a long sheathed sword which hangs horizontally behind his back.

Background/Personality: The world of Auldrant is ruled by a mysterious thing called the Score, which has the planet's memory written onto magical structures called fonstones. The Score has recorded the past and present. It also accurately predicts future of the planet. It has yet to be wrong. In a way, the Score is like a self-fulfilling prosperity. The people of Auldrant know that the Score predicts peace and prosperity and so they follow it blindly. Some people are so addicted to the Score that they even ask what they should have for dinner. Yet, there are people who do not think the world should be bound by the Score and so they choose not to follow it. However, the Score is so accurate that no matter what people do, they end up fulfilling the prophecy of the Score regardless.

Then, it is found that the Score predicts this:

ND2000. In Kimlasca shall be born the scion of Lorelei's power. He will be of royal blood with hair of red. He shall be called 'the light of the sacred flame' and he will lead Kimlasca-Lanvaldear to new prosperity.

ND2002. The 'one who would seize glory' shall destroy the island of his birth, a land named Hod. War shall persist between Kimlasca and Malkuth for a full cycle of the seasons.

ND2018. The young scion of Lorelei's power shall bring his people to the miner's city. There, the youth will turn power to calamity and be as a weapon of Kimlasca, destroying himself and the city. Thereafter, the land of Rugnica will be enveloped in war, and Malkuth shall lose territory. Kimlasca-Lanvaldear shall thrive, and this shall lead to unprecedented prosperity.

And so, in the year ND2000, a boy by the name of Luke fon Fabre-Ancient Ispanian for 'light of the sacred flame'-who was of royal blood with hair of red was born in Baticul, the capital of Kimlasca. Luke, the tertiary heir for the throne of Kimlasca, took his duties of royalty very seriously. He even went so far as to promise Princess Natalia that the two of them would change their country so that no one would have to be poor and so that war would never happen again.

When Luke was ten, he was kidnapped. The story passed around was that he was kidnapped by the Malkuth Empire, enemy to the Kingdom of Kimlasca. The truth was that Van, Luke's sword instructor at the time, kidnapped Luke for a variety of reasons. Soon after Van kidnapped Luke, he used forbidden technology called fomicry to make a replica of Luke fon Fabre. The replica would serve as a replacement for Luke's absence while Van kept the real Luke with him. Not only that, but should the real Luke fail what Van had in store for him, the replica Luke could take the original's place.

The replica Luke was sent to Choral Castle, Duke fon Fabre's-Luke's father-vacation home. Eventually, he was found there and returned back to Kimlasca. Because Luke was a replica, he was essentially a blank slate. He had no memories of the original Luke's ten years of life. He didn't know the faces of his parents. He didn't even know how to walk or talk. He had to be taught how to do everything like a toddler.

Because of the kidnapping, King Ingobert VI-Luke's uncle-decreed that Luke would be forbidden to leave the manor he lived in. This was meant to keep him safe so that when the time came, he could fulfill the Score-to bring his people to the miner's town, destroy it and himself, then bring Kimlasca to prosperity. In the mean time, the original Luke, usurped by his replica who stole his past, his future, his home and family-everything except the present-threw away the name of "Luke" and renamed himself "Asch," the 'smoldered ashes of the sacred flame.' At the time, Duke Fabre found no point in loving Luke because his son was destined to die.

For seven years, Luke grew up in his manor, secluded from the world and never told of his status as a replica. During this time, he also experienced painful headaches and heard voices. His only company were his servants, his family, his sword instructor Van and his best friend Guy. Luke was not even allowed to leave his manor to visit his cousin Natalia or his uncle King Ingobert. Because of the total isolation, Luke ended up incredibly naive about the world around him. He was only taught the things necessary for survival. Things like common knowledge were kept from him, most likely because it was difficult to accept that the Luke had no memories of anything.

Then one day, Van came to the manor on a day that was not a scheduled sword practice day. He told the fon Fabres that the Fon Master Ion-the leader of the Order of Lorelei-had gone missing and he had a mission to find him. Although Luke doesn't know it yet, Lorelei is an Aggregate Sentience. In other words, it's a collection of magic so powerful that it becomes sentient. The Order of Lorelei is an organization meant to keep Auldrant on the Score's course. Luke is upset because sword training is one of his only methods of entertainment. To make up for his unexpected necessary long absence, Van agrees to have an extra-long training session with Luke.

It is during this training session that a mysterious woman invades the manor, putting the guards to sleep with the use of the Seventh Fonon-Sound. She approaches Luke and Van with the intention of killing the latter. Before she can do so, Luke parries her attack. Then, suddenly, both Luke and the intruder are spirited away by a magical energy, a phenomenon called 'hyperresonance.'

When Luke awakens from the aftermath, he finds himself in a valley at night with the mysterious woman. She introduces herself as Tear. Luke, after seeing that she just tried to assassinate his sword instructor, doesn't trust her. Even so, Tear promises to get Luke home safely because it was her fault for involving Luke. She also explains the hyperresonance, which supposedly occurs under special conditions between two Seventh Fonists.

Tear and Luke make their way through the valley where they appeared and Luke has his first real battle, even if it's against monsters. Along he way, Tear says that the river should lead to the sea and they can make their way from there. Luke comments that it's the first time he's ever seen the sea. At the end of the forest, they find a coach and ask if it goes to the capital. The coach charges them an obscene amount of money, so Tear hands over her pendant to pay for it. Luke comments that she has some expensive-looking things without realizing that the pendant was precious to Tear.

They end up in Engeve, still in Malkuth territory, where Luke demonstrates just how sheltered he is. He takes an apple from a shop and eats it without realizing he has to pay. When Tear tells him he should pay regardless, Luke explains that his father would take care of it and refuses to care much.

When there is word being spread about thieves stealing food from Engeve, the accusations immediately go to Luke. Tear allows him to be arrested in hopes of teaching him a lesson-that there are repercussions for all actions. The angry villagers take Luke to the Mayor, Rose. It is in Rose's house that Luke and Tear find Fon Master Ion-who apparently isn't missing at all-along with Colonel Jade Curtiss from Malkuth and Anise Tatlin, Ion's guardian from Daath. Ion announces that Cheagle fur was found in the food stores and Luke is found innocent of the crime because of this discovery.

That doesn't stop Luke from being irritated about being falsely accused. Luke storms off to the Cheagle Woods the next day with Tear in tow to find a Cheagle, despite not knowing what they look like, in hopes of bringing further evidence to the village to erase any doubt that he was innocent.

In the woods, Tear and Luke meet Fon Master Ion, who one-shots a group of monsters... and promptly topples over. Luke, despite being cranky the entire journey, manages to show a bit of concern for Ion, who explains he came to the woods to talk with the Cheagles because they are sacred to the Order of Lorelei which Ion heads, despite being only fourteen. So the three of them go through the woods and find the Cheagle Elder, who explains that a young Cheagle accidentally burnt down the northern part of the forest. Because of that, Ligers, wolf-like monsters, prey on the Cheagles, bunny-like monsters, unless the Cheagles provide food from Engeve's food stores. Luke, Tear and Ion go to meet with the Liger Queen, taking the Cheagle who burnt down the woods with them.

The Cheagle, named Mieu, tries to negotiate with the Liger Queen. When it fails, the Liger Queen attacks and Luke surprisingly defends Mieu with his sword, though claims he was only defending Ion. They defeat the Liger Queen with the help of Jade, who appeared out of nowhere, and go back to the Cheagle Elder, who bans Mieu from the Cheagle Forest for one year because of the burned northern forest and because Mieu is indebted to Luke who saved his life.

Luke is so unhappy with this. He doesn't want to be stuck with an 'annoying' pet like Mieu. He's so ungrateful he actually names Mieu 'Thing,' unable to care enough to give him a proper name. Mieu is happy to be named regardless.

The group tries to leave the forest, but are stopped by soldiers from Malkuth. Jade accuses Tear of Luke of illegally crossing the border purposefully into Malkuth with a hyperresonance. The two are captured and put onto the Tartarus.

While on the Tartarus, Luke and Tear explain their situation to Jade, who in return tells them that he cannot let them go without their promised cooperation. They agree to help, and Jade explains that he, Ion and Anise are working as emissaries of peace trying to stop a war from breaking out. They bear a letter to Ingobert VI, the king of Kimlasca, from Emperor Peony IX, the emperor of Mulkuth. Luke admits that the king is his uncle and that he could easily get Jade, Ion and Anise an audience with him. He also admits that this is the first he's heard of a potential war.

During this time, the Six God-Generals who work directly under Van take over the Tartarus and kidnap Ion and shove Anise, who has the Letter of Peace, out the window. They take Ion somewhere ~secret~, also known as Shurrey Hill and force him to use his Daathic Fonic Arte-abilities using the seventh fonons that only a Fon Master can perform-to open a sealed door there. Luke, Jade and Tear attempt to take back the Tartarus and it is at this point in which Luke actually kills a human being for the first time-it frightens him. Shortly after, the group meets Asch, who has the title of Asch the Bloody, though only Jade sees his face. Luke, Tear and Jade are put into captivity but quickly escape, reclaiming Ion with the help of Guy's sudden appearance. They head head to Kaitzur Naval Port to take a ferry back to Baticul.

They meet up with Anise in Katizur, and then the group tries to take a ferry to Baticul. However, Arrieta, a God-General from the Tartarus attack and adopted daughter of the Liger Queen, injures many in the port town and kidnaps the only engineer who can fix the ship. Because the Score said that engineer would have a peaceful year, Tear an Ion convince the group to rescue him. Arietta took the engineer to Choral Castle, the place where Luke was found seven years ago.

They go to Choral Castle in order to rescue the engineer and Luke doesn't remember a thing about the castle. When the group reaches the top of the castle, a monster plucks up Luke and kidnaps him. He's analyzed by machines during this time so the God-Generals can acquire data on his fonon frequency, the thing that makes Luke... Luke. Guy rescues Luke, and then together the group rescues the engineer and takes the ferry back to Baticul.

On the ferry, Luke experiences another headache as well as hearing an unknown voice. He loses control of his powers and accidentally causes a hyperressonance. Van helps him regain control and then has a discussion with Luke about his captivity in the manor. Van explains that because Luke is the only person in the world who can cause a hyperresonance on his own, Kimlasca is storing him as a weapon until the war starts. But, Van continues, if Luke prevents the war using his hyperresonance instead, he'll be seen as a hero and free to live outside the manor.

In Baticul, King Ingobert VI reads the letter. Apparently, the mining city of Akzeriuth is plagued by poisonous miasma. It is a town that used to be under Kimlascan rule, but Malkuth won it in the last war. However, the road to reach it from the Malkuth side is inaccessible, so Emperor Peony IX asks King Ingobert VI to access it from the Kimlascan side and to evacuate his people. The King agrees and sends Luke as an Ambassador of goodwill, knowing this act will fulfill the Score and that his nephew will die.

Luke goes to meet with Van, who tells Luke of a very special plan. Van tells Luke that if he moves the people of Akzeriuth, the Score dictates that war will begin. To sidestep that, Luke should neutralize the miasma with his hyperresonance. Van also tells Luke that he was the one who kidnapped Luke seven years ago because Luke had apparently asked him to. If Luke is successful with the neutralization plan, Van promises to escape with Luke to Daath.

Before Luke leaves, he finds that a maid accidentally sold Arcane Arte books Van meant for Luke to have. He shows a surprisingly kind-hearted side by not telling on the maid who lost his books because he's afraid she would be fired. Although he needs to get money from his mother, he earns it by doing good deeds. Overnight, Ion is kidnapped again.

Luke heads to Akzeriuth and to rescue Ion along the way. Jade, Tear, Guy, and Anise accompany Luke on the journey while Princess Natalia secretly follows them. When the party meets with Natalia, she manages to stay by blackmailing Luke about his plan to run away to Daath with Van.

On the way to Akzeriuth, Luke and the group encounter one of the God-Generals, Asch the Bloody. This is the first time Luke has ever been close enough to see Asch's face and he realizes how identical they look. Luke is unable to piece the information together, though. The God-Generals kidnap Ion (again) and take him to unlock another magical door (again). The party travels to the Zao Ruins to get Ion back. It is there that Asch nearly reveals the truth to Luke about his replica status. The party takes Ion and leaves, returning to their journey to Akzeriuth.

Being Kimlasca's Ambassador really goes to Luke's head. He thinks himself very self-important and his attitude becomes way bossier. When Ion becomes worn out from overuse of his Daathic Fonic Artes and the rough road, Luke is unsympathetic this time. He wants to hurry to Akzeriuth so he can carry out Van's plan. The party reprimands him, but Luke doesn't take it to heart. The party's topic of discussion eventually lands on replicas, but Ion and Jade are vague about it and in the end, Luke still doesn't find out. He shouts at the party for keeping him in the dark, but Tear tells Luke he should simply think for himself instead of relying on what Van says so much. If he doesn't, Tear warns Luke that he may end up making an irrevocable mistake.

When they arrive in Akzeriuth, the Natalia begins helping the wounded. Luke tells her not to touch them because they're dirty and she might catch something, but Natalia reprimands him. Luke and Ion later find their way to Van in a mine shaft, who requests that Ion open up the seal on magic door there. Ion does so reluctantly and the three of them proceed inside. Van leads them to the Passage Rings and the Sephiroth. There, Luke uses his hyperresonance under Van's post-hypnotic trigger phrase 'foolish replica Luke'... destroying the Passange Rings and the Sephiroth. Luke doesn't understand why this is such a bad thing, considering he doesn't know what they are.

Luke finds out what they are the hard way when Akzeriuth falls into the ground and into the Qliphoth, a muddy sea filled with poisonous miasma. It turns out the Passage Rings and the Sephiroth were what was supporting the land Akzeriuth was on. When it was destroyed, it fell into the Qliphoth. Oops. Pretty much the entire town's population dies, save the party who is saved by Tear's power over the Seventh Fonon, Van, Ion and the God-General Asch.

The party rounds on Luke, blaming him for destroying Akzeriuth. Luke refuses to take responsibility, saying that he was only trying to neutralize the miasma like Van said. Ion tries to take partial blame because he opened the seal leading to the Sephiroth, but the party will hear none of it and blames Luke entirely. Because of his refusal to accept any of the blame, the party grows fed up with him. Although it may be Luke's greatest moment of need, no one has the desire to comfort someone who can't take responsibility for their actions except for Ion, who is forbidden to do so by Anise and Mieu, whom Luke refuses to be compared to.

The group decides to head to Yulia City where Tear was born.. and because it's pretty much the only form of civilization in the Qliphoth. It is there that they encounter Asch the Bloody again. Asch, too, blames Luke for the destruction of Akzeriuth and once again Luke refuses to acknowledge his part in its destruction. Asch challenges him to a duel, calling him a defective replica to his face and Luke accepts, still in shock over the revelation.

After the battle, Luke loses and is still unable to accept his status as a replica. It more or less puts him in a comatose state. While in this state, the party abandons Luke save for Tear and goes with Asch. Luke only knows this because of a newly established mental connection between himself and Asch-what Asch sees, Luke sees. It turns out this is what the fon machine analysis was for in Choral Castle.

Asch, Jade, Anise, Natalia and Guy go on a journey to the Outer Lands-where the land is raised like Akzeriuth formerly was-to discover what Van's master plan is. The entire time, the party belittles Luke for his actions in Akzeriuth. Luke, who is able to telepathically communicate with Asch, asks him why. Asch isn't much help, considering how much he hates Luke. Asch says that Luke's friends prefer to be with their enemy than with a murderer like Luke and those words cut Luke deeply.

As Luke watches how little the party cares for him, Guy finally warms Luke's heart by saying he's going back to wait for Luke. He says he doesn't trust what Luke would do on his own and that he feels the need to look after him.

Shortly after, Luke awakens in Tear's bedroom with a new resolution, then goes to find Tear. He asks to borrow one of her knives and to Tear's surprise, he cuts his incredibly long hair short as a symbol of cutting away his old self. Afterward, he asks Tear to watch him. Luke promises Tear that he will change and become a better person, and although he may make mistakes, he's promises to become a better person. Specifically, Luke wants to make up for Akzeriuth by helping others any way he can. Tear doesn't believe him entirely, but she promises to watch him under the agreement that she can stop at any time.

Tear and Luke then go after the party to regroup and meet up with Guy. To Luke's surprise, Guy takes part of the blame for Luke's behavior. Guy explains that because he helped raise Luke that he is responsible for Luke being ill-informed about the world. They also meet up with Anise, Natalia and Ion.

They make their way to Grand Chokmah soon after, the capital of Malkuth, to speak to the Emperor. They also want to tell the emperor that the towns surrounding Akzeriuth might also collapse since the Sephiroth was supporting a huge continent. The party also learns that Kimlasca has issued war against Malkuth.

Luke confesses to Emperor Peony that he was responsible for Akzeriuth. He demonstrates his will to change by offering to give any help he can. Luke doesn't want the nearby cities to turn into another Akzeriuth. Thus, Luke and the party are given the task of evacuating Engeve and the neighboring city of St. Binah. They head to the two places and evacuate them to Chesedonia, which rests on the border of Malkuth and Kimlasca while remaining an autonomous state. Natalia, in the mean time, goes to Kaitzur in Kimlasca to try to put a stop to the war and to reveal that she is alive.

The area of Engeve and St. Binah collapse after the evacuation, while Natalia is unsuccessful in stopping the war. The party later regroups and forms a plan. Natalia learns that she is not the real Princess; that the real princess was stillborn and she was a replacement baby from her the daughter of her wet-nurse. They also learn that Chesedonia is in danger of falling, so while it is impossible to prevent, they can lower the speed of it falling into the Qliphoth. They also need to do so before the land falls because the continent which most of Malkuth is on is the battlefield of the war and all of the soldiers would be wiped out.

After they go to several Sephiroth and instruct them to lower the land slowly, Chesedonia and the rest of the continent falls safely into the Qliphoth. The soldiers finally stop fighting, realizing that their current situation is much more dire. The party and Ion go to the Cathedral in Daath to read the Score to find out what their next move should be. As expected, the Score predicted the fall of Akzeriuth and Malkuth's loss of land as well as the war. However, the Score was not entirely correct: it predicted that Luke would die and he did not.

The party decides that because the original Luke, now known as Asch, was meant to die in Akzeriuth. Luke's creation threw the Score off track, rendering it incorrect. Luke begins to blame himself for the Score that so many people depend upon going off-track and for the Sephiroth going out of control. Tear reprimands him for pouting and tells him that all anyone is saying is that Luke is not bound by the Score like everyone else.

In Chesedonia, Luke buys back the pendant Tear sold for the coach in Tataroo Valley. Then in Baticul, Natalia and Luke are arrested. Luke for being an impostor of the real Luke fon Fabre and Natalia for being an impostor of the real Princess Natalia. Asch and the rest of the party rescues them, and Asch promises to kill Luke if he makes one mistake in protecting Natalia.

As they escape Baticul, Luke tries to console Natalia because in a way, he sort of understands how she feels. While Natalia isn't a replica, she was a replacement for the real princess just like Luke was Asch's replacement.

The party heads to a city called Belkend to learn more about Van. There, they meet Van in person as well as Asch. Van tells his master plan: he wants to overturn the Score by creating a world full of replicas because replicas are not bound by the Score. He doesn't care if people will die. Luke is deeply hurt hearing Van talk this way since until that point, he had carried much trust and respect for his sword instructor. Van offers Asch a place in the world if he will use his hyperresonance, but Asch declines and tells Van to use 'the replica' instead. Van declines the offer, seeing Luke as a weak person.

Kimlasca and Malkuth sign a peace treaty and King Ingobert of Kimlasca promises not to go back on it like he did for Hod. At this point, the party spends a great deal of time going to each individual Sephiroth in order to lower the entire Outer Lands safely, which also helps to ruin Van's plans. However, each time Tear activates the Passage Rings which allow access to the Sephiroth, a bit of miasma is absorbed into her. The party begins to worry about Tear's health, especially Luke, who admits to Tear that he wants to tell her to stop so that she can stay alive. However, Luke tells her he can't ask that of her because he knows she would disapprove. Tear says she's gla because if he had asked her to stop, she would have lost all respect for him.

After operating most of the Sephiroths, Tear is given medication to keep her well and Luke is relieved. It is also around this time that it is revealed that Ion is a replica of the original Ion. Luke is surprised and admits that when he saw Ion, he felt something 'familiar' about him. Learning that Ion is also a replica doesn't make Luke think any less of Ion.

At the final Sephiroth, Luke and the party defeat Van. In order to activate the final Sephiroth, Luke has to use a hyperresonance, but it isn't strong enough. Asch lends Luke his power from afar. To Luke's surprise, he hear's a voice-the same voice that plagued him along with his headaches-the voice of the Aggregate Sentience Lorelei. It tells Luke that Van has trapped it inside of him and that it will send him a key so Luke can free it.

The party also comes up with a plan to neutralize the miasma in the Qliphoth so that people don't inhale so much of it that they die and it's accomplished with relative ease, with only a God-General or two getting in the way. Thinking that it's all over, the party goes their separate ways briefly. Luke, now allowed to leave his manor, stays willingly locked up in his room and sleeps most of the time. He feels out of place in Baticul now that he knows he shouldn't be living there and feels that it should be Asch instead. He decides to regroup with the party to see how everyone is.

Then, suddenly, the miasma returns just as the party is speaking to Ion about Tear's health due to the miasma. Ion says he has an idea about how to get rid of the miasma in her body, but Anise drags Ion away due to an emergency before he can begin his explanation. Which... leads to Ion being kidnapped. He's kidnapped a lot, okay? Grand Maestro Mohs has taken Ion to read the seventh fonstone, which has the Score-the rest of Auldrant's history-written upon it. Jade explains that if Ion reads it, he will die.

The party goes to save Ion, but it's too late. He's already using the last of his energy to read the fonstone by the time they arrive. This is all that Ion can read from the Score before collapsing:

...Which will ultimately lead to the downfall of Auldrant.

ND2019, The forces of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear shall march northward, through the Rugnica Plains. After inflicting atrocities upon the villages in their wake, the army shall surround the fortress capital. Within a fortnight, the city shall fall. The Kimlascan army will stain the Malkuth throne with the blood of its last emperor. Their howls of victory shall resound throughout the land.

ND2020, A mountain of corpses shall bury the fortress capital. Death and disease shall envelope the city. The plague born thence shall become a new poison unto humanity, killing all within its reach. Its spread shall mark the true end of Malkuth. Kimlasca shall enjoy decades of prosperity as the plague of Malkuth grows. Ultimately, the plague shall be brought into the Kimlascan kingdom by a single man.

When Luke finally reaches Ion, he catches Ion as he collapses. With renewed energy, Ion continues:

...The light of the sacred flame shall approach a Kimlascan city of fon machines, seeking a way to purify the taint. There, salvation shall be found through the use of a forbidden power...

Ion explains that the reading of the Score was for Luke-so that he could realize the Score was just one path of many possible paths. Ion admits that he read the Score because he felt it was the only way he could help Luke, whom Ion feel feels does not rely on others. Luke is deeply upset, thinking it wasn't worth it. Ion tells Luke that it's okay because there are many replacements for him, but Luke disagrees. He angrily states that this Ion was the only Ion he met in the Cheagle Woods-that no other Ion would remember that. Ion is quiet, then asks Tear to come closer and he removes the miasma from her body, taking it into himself just before he dies. Luke grieves inwardly, realizing that Ion was the very first stranger who had been kind to him.

As time passes, Luke's feelings toward himself grow more and more convoluted. He no longer has an air of confidence about him. He becomes more irrational, jumping at every opportunity to become useful. When Jade mentions in Belkend, the city of fon machines, that a strong enough hyperresonance could destroy the miasma, Luke instantly volunteers. Even when Jade admits it would mean the deaths of ten thousand Seventh Fonists and that the user of the hyperresonance would die, Luke is only deterred because of others dying, having no concern for himself.

The party goes on a journey to find both the Jewel of Lorelei and the Key of Lorelei in hopes of freeing Lorelei from Van... who apparently didn't die properly. As it turns out, Asch already has the Key of Lorelei, a sword, but it lacks the jewel, which Luke was supposed to have received. Asch and the others deduce that when Lorelei told Luke it would send him the key, that it must have sent the key to a Sephiroth. Asch checks all of the Sephiroths but fails to find it.

Frustrated, Asch heads to the Tower of Rem where the replicas Van had been mass producing are located. Because replicas are made up entirely of seventh fonons, they can serve as a substitute of Seventh Fonists. The replicas, who have been outcast from society because they are seen as tools or replacements, agree to offer their lives for the replicas who had not yet arrived to the Tower of Rem. The replicas want their brethren to be accepted into society. So Asch intends to use a hyperresonance as the replicas sacrifice themselves to destroy the miasma like Jade suggested was possible earlier.

But Luke has found his purpose. As Asch's replica, he feels he should be the one to do it simply because the user will die. Luke feels that Asch, as the original Luke, should not be the one to die and instead should be the one to free Lorelei from Van. The party gathers at Daath to come up with a plan of action before pursuing Asch.

The party is not supportive of Luke's decision to sacrifice himself. When Luke talks with Guy about it, he exclaims that Luke is still a child. He's only been alive for seven years and it isn't fair for Luke to have to sacrifice himself. When Luke speaks with Tear, she's angry. She says she'll support Luke's decision because she's seen how Luke has changed from the selfish, spoiled child he once was and knows that he'll have thought his decision through. However, Tear tells Luke that she may not accept his decision... and that if the miasma dissipates and Luke dies, she'll hate him.

Asch shows up and confronts the party, blaming Luke for not having the Jewel of Lorelei yet. Luke tells Asch that he will die in his place and that sends Asch off the deep end. Asch doesn't want a worthless replica like Luke taking his place for something like that. Luke took Asch's whole existence away from him and that's why Asch wants to sacrifice himself. He admits that he doesn't want to die, but that there is no other way.

Luke continues to insist that it should be him, the replica, who dies, but Guy punches him in the face saying that if he dies, he won't be able to feel Guy punch him anymore. How reassuring....

Asch storms off to the Tower of Rem again while Luke confirms his decision to Their Majesties. Meyor Teodoro says it's ironic because the Tower of Rem was built in the center of a mining town. If Luke succeeds with the ritual and is killed, he will have fulfilled the Score.

Afterward, the party then heads after Asch and meets him at the tower. Asch is at the top, ready to perform the ritual. Asch berates Luke upon his arrival, saying that because Luke is a replica, he'll get caught up in the reaction and disappear with the thousands of other replicas ready to make their sacrifice. Asch points out that if he dies from the ritual and Luke dies from the reaction, no one will be left to free Lorelei from Van.

When Asch raises his sword to begin the ritual, Luke tries to grab the sword from him in an attempt to stop him, trying to convince Asch that he is weaker and unneeded because he is the replica. As the two argue, the Key of Lorelei glows, distracting Asch, but not Luke who pushes Asch away and steals the sword. Asch tries to go after him, but Jade holds Asch back. As much as everyone hates it, it's better for the original to survive so that the stronger one can use the hyperresonance to free Lorelei from Van.

Luke raises the sword and as he plunges it into the ground to begin the process, he tells the replicas that he's going with them-that he'll die with them. The reaction begins.

The entire time, Luke thinks to himself: I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I want to live! The replicas break apart, releasing the seventh fonons necessary for the ritual. Luke doesn't disappear yet, though. Instead, his stomach glows and he falls to his knees. Luke's hyperresonance isn't powerful enough. Worst of all, the seventh fonons begin to dissipate, meaning there may not be enough to neutralize the miasma. Asch realizes that Luke has had the Jewel of Lorelei the entire time and rushes over to aid Luke, telling his replica that he has no intention of dying with him and that he is merely giving Luke's hyperresonance more power. The miasma disappears for good.

Once the reaction is over, Luke and Asch have fallen, their hands linked. They're both alive and struggle to their feet. Luke is unsettled-he began to see himself disappear during the reaction. When Luke puts his hands behind his back, the Jewel of Lorelei suddenly appears in his hands. Asch angrily explains that the reason the Jewel of Lorelei was inside Luke was because Lorelei, the Key of Lorelei and the Jewel of Lorelei are all made up entirely of seventh fonons. Fonons of the same type are attracted to one another, so when Lorelei sent Luke the key, it was absorbed into Luke's being.

Jade, surprised that Luke is alive, suggests that Luke get checked over by a doctor in Belkend. The party travels there where Luke gets some awful news: he should check into the hospital. For good. Even though he didn't disappear, he's going to. The fonons that compose his body are slowly disappearing. There is no way to cure it or reverse it; all the hospital can do is prolong his time alive.

Luke keeps this a secret from the party and everyone is relieved. Jade, however, doesn't believe Luke; he's already guessed the result of the hyperresonance. Luke asks Jade not to tell anyone else and Jade agrees... but Mieu had been listening to them and soon after tells Tear.

Now Tear and Luke have switched positions. Just like Tear was willing to die from absorbing the miasma from accessing the Passage Rings with her Seventh Fonist abilities, Luke was willing to die by sacrificing himself to rid Auldrant of the miasma. Tear confronts Luke about his fonons separating and Luke tells her that it's true and asks her not to tell anyone else. He says that telling the party won't change anything... and he's afraid that if they do find out, they'll treat him differently. Tear affectionately calls him an idiot and asks Luke not to hide anything from her again; he agrees.

Luke later meets Asch in Grand Chokmah. Asch is surprised when Luke hands him the Jewel of Lorelei. Luke then gives a speech on how Asch, as the original Luke, should be the one to free Lorelei from Van and stop him from carrying out his plan. That means Asch needs both the Key of Lorelei and the Jewel of Lorelei.

Asch, in return, is angrier than ever at Luke. He tells him that Luke can't just "stop" Van, he has to kill him. He goes on to say that Luke is him and it's insulting for Luke to keep putting himself down. Luke disagrees and says he isn't Asch at all; the way they live, their thoughts and memories, all of it's different. Asch then calls Luke a defective replica and says he refuses to accept him. Luke says it doesn't matter whether or not Asch accepts him because he's not a part of Asch nor his replacement.

Asch throws the Jewel of Lorelei back at Luke, telling him that Luke is nothing more than a copy. He challenges Luke to a duel, but Luke declines. Asch confronts him about that, saying that if Luke is his own person then he should prove it. He goes on to say that he respected Van and believed in everything Van ever did until his crazy idea about replicating the entire world. Defeating the master is the role of the student, Asch declares, and says he'll settle the Score with Luke on Eldrant, the base of Van's operations.

The night before the party goes to confront Van and Asch, Tear and Luke have a discussion. Luke thanks Tear for watching over him all this time just like she promised and mentions that he hopes his body holds together until tomorrow at least. Tear says his body will stay together today, tomorrow, the day after and on and on. She says she'll keep watching Luke and calls him an idiot. Luke gently returns the insult, insisting that he's going to disappear.

The next day, the party goes to Eldrant. As they traverse through the place-which is in reality a floating replica of the island of Hod mentioned in the Score-Luke suddenly falls into a trap in the floor.

Asch is already in the room, kicking at a door to get out. When Asch turns around, he's none too pleased and exclaims that House Fabre must have very stupid genes if they both fell for the same trap. There is only one way out of the room, which Asch demonstrates using a hyperresonance. The door apparently stays open long enough for one person to make it through while the other powers the door.

Luke automatically says that as the original and stronger one, Asch should go through the door. Luke says that his hyperresonance is weaker than Asch's and therefore, since they are equal in sword skill, the one best in another area should go. Asch says that Luke is even more annoying since he's not just putting himself down.

So which one of them gets to go through the door to defeat Van and free Lorelei? Well, Asch and Luke decide to have their long awaited rematch. It's a mirrored battle, with Luke wielding his sword in his left hand and Asch wielding his sword in his right hand. They both use attacks Van had taught them both through training sessions.

Luke wins and Asch is disgusted that he lost. He throws the Key of Lorelei at Luke just as a group of soldiers enter the room. Asch promises to hold them off as he opens the door for Luke. Before Luke leaves, he tells Asch to survive-that if Asch dies, he and Natalia will never stop grieving. Asch tells him to shut up, but promises to live. Luke, satisfied with this, passes through the door which quickly shuts behind him.

Overall, the Luke at this point in the game is definitely not the same Luke that was in the beginning. He still maintains a somewhat snarky attitude when he's in the right mood and he can still be easily annoyed. However, Luke has learned how to express his kindness. Most importantly, he has come to realize that he may be a replica, but he is not part of Asch nor his replacement. All this time, he wanted Van to notice him and to accept him as a human being, to accept that he might be just as good as Asch. Luke has made a decision to live for himself and to live his life to the fullest instead of relying on the approval of Van.

Have you read up on how the game works?: Yes! The Guide plug-in that allows characters to communicate with each other is called the FlamingFerret. Three ways you can make money on the ship are: Through missions, stealing it (naaaughty) or by starting a business.

1st person sample:


[ Someone gave Luke a Rubik's Cube to advertise for his job. He's been working on it solving for a while. ]

How the hell...? Wait, I think I got i-damn.... Man. I can't imagine how anyone could possibly find this fun. I mean, I get that it's a brain puzzle, but twisting this thing around... I can't get the colors to align. The guy who owns the Rubik's Cube store said there was a prize inside that'll unlock once you solve it, so I want to-

-oh! I got it! Finally! Let's see... what's the prize?

[ He unscrews the now-unlocked mechanism on the Rubik's cube and pulls off the top. Inside is a dazzlingly white piece of paper with a smilie face sticking out its tongue drawn on it. ]

Wh-What...? That's not a good prize at all! [...] I bet the owner is in cahoots with the Ant-Lion Man. But... at least it's not covered in sand.

3rd person sample:

He had changed a lot since that day in Akzeriuth. Back then, he never thought for himself. When Master Van had told him in Baticul about using his hyperresonance to neutralize the miasma, he didn't think twice about it. If Master Van said it was okay then it was okay-that's how he used to think. He learned the hard way that blindly following orders was never a good thing. You couldn't do anything meaningful if that's how you lived your life.

But now, Luke was a different person. Now, he put thought into his actions and his words. Now, he put others before himself. He was no longer the selfish, spoiled brat he once was when he was locked up in his manor. He had gone out into the world and experienced it. He had seen with his own eyes how large Auldrant was and how many people needed to be protected.

So he couldn't worry about himself anymore. While he knew he was important to people like Tear, Guy and Natalia-perhaps even to Ansise and Jade-he knew Asch was more important in the world-and that was okay with him. It wasn't a contest anymore. Asch was stronger and therefore deserved to defeat Master Van. The weaker one-the replica-needed to make the sacrifice that would end his life.

Luke thought about what he had done... his own sacrifice would save lives. Thousands upon thousands of lives. He knew he could never make up for Akzeriuth, but when he said he would die if his death would help, he meant it. He may have been terrified of dying, but it didn't matter anymore; he had already made his sacrifice.

He would disappear soon, just like the other replicas, yet it was comforting to know at least one life had been saved because of him.

Questions?: Nope!
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yep!

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