OOC: Permissions Post

Apr 29, 2009 14:17

OK, here's the deal:

As many of you probably know, Slade is canonically a technological genius who has an army of robots (that he himself designed, yes) at his disposal so his knowledge of computers and the like are second-to-none. In addition to this, he is also a MAJOR CREEPER so he reads everything posted to the network - or tries to keep track of it all, anyway. This means that HE IS IN UR POSTS, HAXXORING UR CONVOS.

That is, if it's all right with the rest of you. :3

Here's what I need to know:

1. Your character's name (and journal, maybe?)
2. Can he hack your character's private conversations? Specify what is OK and what isn't, please.
3. If your character filters his/her ENTIRE POST from him, can he hack that? Again, specify your character's filtering skills, if that seems possible or not.


As a note: There is actually canonical precedence for this as Slade has shown the ability to hack the Teen Titans' private communicators when he wants. So...yes.


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