((Takes place before the Fall of Caprica City))
You know what I hate? I hate the same frakking questions over and over again that those sports reporters always ask me.
"How are you going to recover from your injury this time around?"
"Do you think the Caprica C-Bucks have a shot at the championship?"
"Why was the score so close last night?"
You know, those types of questions. Unoriginal. Frankly, I don't give a frak about any of that, despite what most people would think. You know what I want? I want perfection. I want that perfect throw, that perfect shot, I want to feel the ball leave my hand and make its way through the air in a perfect arc. It doesn't matter what happens after that. Win, lose.... it doesn't matter.
I want someone to ask me, "What do you want from Pyramid?" Then I'd tell them about the mathematics involved, the physics involved in getting that perfection, in getting the ball where you want it. Planning it ahead of time, perfecting it until the beauty of it all falls into place.
Yeah. That's what I'd want.
"Spins and turns, angles and curves. The shape of dreams, half remembered. Slip the surly bonds of earth and touch the face of perfection - a perfect face, perfect lace. Find the perfect world for the end of Kara Thrace. End of line."
Muse: Samuel T. Anders
Fandom: Misc. TV/"Battlestar Galactica"
Word Count: 241 (not including direct quote)