255 - How would you go about scaring someone?

Nov 06, 2008 10:51

Been there, done that. And no, I'm not frakking talking about me being a skinjob, either because frankly, that scared me. Nah, if I was going to scare someone else, I'd do what I did back on Caprica, and I'd get my men and women and we'd round up the toasters there and shot 'em all to hell and back.

Although, you have to wonder, do those sort of Cylons feel scared? Look, I'm not talking about Athena, because she's different. Or even that Six model that Tigh likes to hang out with. Or the Hybrid on the baseship, or... frak me.

Okay, look, what I'm talking about, then are those Centurians. We went after them, me and Barolay (gods, don't get me started on Barolay and that motherfrakker who killed her, not now) and all those others. Everyone from the C-Bucks. We'd just grab a weapon and shoot as many as we could. Did they feel scared? I wanted them to. I wanted them to feel frakking petrified after what they'd done.


Part of me even wanted to know that the Cylon who offed Barolay was scared. I was pissed, sure, once that Cylon leader took my sidearm and forced my hand to kill the other blonde, but godsdammit, there's no way I could feel sorry for her. It. Her. Frak!


I'm done being scared. I'm done being scared for other people or about other people, like Kara. Or Felix. I want my frakking life back so that I can shoot all the skinjobs and watch them suffer. So, guns. Weapons. Sidearms. Yeah, that's what I'd do to scare someone, and not just anyone.



Partly. I can't... I can't bring myself to feel the way I used to about this, not now that I know the truth about me. Not know that I have this connection to the others. We might be different, but we're still the same, somehow. And now we're all on Earth with a pretty frakking bleak future ahead, I don't know what to do anymore.

And that? That's pretty frakking scary.


Muse: Samuel T. Anders
Fandom: Misc. TV/"Battlestar Galactica"
Word Count: 351

felix, kara, athena, barolay, theatrical muse, cylons

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