Nov 06, 2005 19:07
Okay nearly giving me a heart attack is certainly not cool. I had been getting these "private" calls each time Remus had duty so it seemed, then the calls ended around the time Ryan came back from patrol. Well, tonight I got this really weird call from a "Restricted" number and I, being the dumb curious idiot that I am, answered the phone thinking it might be Remus calling from base or something... All I get is heavy breathing on the other end and some whispering, still I thought it might be Remus calling me because he always calls me on duty nights so we can fall asleep together and he can only whisper. I kept saying "hello" and then I heard weird moans towards the end and then hung up. After that I didn't know what to do or who to call after that. I was going crazy running from one end of the apartment to the other end. Right now all my lights are on inside and I have a bat and some other stick next to me.
Whoever it is does not know what kind of trauma they are causing for me because I am the number one chicken shit of the world. It isn't healthy for me to be getting scared out of my wits, seriously. Sometimes I think I know who it might be and other times I don't. Who else would know when Remus has duty that also has my number? I just really hope they decide to quit calling me because I have work tomorrow and I am sure I won't get any sleep just because I am that worked up about it. I am now baracaded in my room with two of those storage bins full of clothes against the door to our room and a pile of clothes on both sides of it for extra security. At the front door I put our shoe rack against it incase anyone comes in I'll hear it -- I just hope Ryan doesn't come home early tomorrow! :o Yes, I sound crazy, but being miles away from home with no friends nearby to run to and my husband is at work and MUST stay at work, all this allows for me to be crazy scared.
I don't think I've made any enemies around here, then again I haven't met many people and given them my number. I just wish whoever is doing this quit and not think it's some funny joke because it is scaring me to the point that I am start crying hysterically and hyperventalating. I don't want to get some panic attack while I am alone! Fuck whoever is doing this! I am sure they will get what they deserve.
Enough, Remus is on the phone with me but he is sleeping before he has to stand watch from midnight until 3 am! Meaning I will be wide awake from midnight and on.