Stay out of my fucking cube

Apr 18, 2007 10:44

I find it sort of creepy and passive-aggressive that a coworker left Mapquest directions to his house atop my keyboard without any other note or explanation. The only way I even identified the final address was by acting on a hunch and checking the evite to which I failed to respond several weeks back. No, I am not going to your little fiesta no matter how festive the invitation or clever the text (at a recent lunch, he proudly babbled on about how he themed the subheadings after a game of Monopoly (i.e. "yes" reads "Collect $100 and Pass Go", "undecided" reads "Not sure how the dice will fall", and "no" reads "Stuck in Jail, Lose a Turn")). It is clear I am dealing with someone just a hair or two more socially retarded than myself, so why, pray tell, would I desire to spend time with him outside of work? Never mind that I should be taking as much free time as possible to wrap up decorations for Friday's Führertag (I am still working on 8 foot high hanging banners and candids of Hitler, A.'s mother, and a cat that looks like the Führer).

Regardless, the simple act of leaving directions without so much as a Post-It irritates me to no end. At this point, I must boycott based on principle, punish others through my conspicuous absence. And truly is there any greater punishment than that?

If only the evite mentioned poker instead of food and drinks; I may not seek out socialization with coworkers, but I have no problem taking their money.

fuhrertag, work, parties, g. (coworker), a. (friend)

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