I spent most of yesterday attempting to familiarize myself with the technology used in my new project. Despite some previous experience from my internet developer days, I am still playing catch-up with a handful of engineers who have been digging through this crap for weeks. Of course, I feel an irrational need to deliver immediately.
I am uncertain why I go through life attempting to prove myself.
Last night, I was driving back from my Monday night gaming fiasco (picture if you will a room full of cliché stereotypes surrounded by animé mags and the Soundtrack to Princess Mononoke) while chatting with
S. on the cell. He was uncharacteristically insistent that we get together tonight. Technically, it's my Buffy the Vampire Slayer Night, but a boy has got to have his priorities. Shame too... it is going to be a great episode. But I digress.
He said something about really wanting to talk to me, that he had been thinking all day and experienced some sort of catharsis. I asked whether I should prepare a rebuttal for whatever he was going to tell me. He laughed it off.
Cliffhangers in my personal life make me nervous regardless.