That was all very wacky. Somewhere around Monday,
he asked me to pick him up at the airport on Friday. I nixed plans to see Spiderman with
Boy Bünd because I knew that Friday night would not hold enough hours (and I figured he would be too tired to see a late movie). Then last night, he gives me permission not to pick him up.
He doesn't ask me not to pick him up; he merely gives me permission not to, explaining that he has other arrangements that would not involve me commuting an hour and a half to two hours at rush hour on a Friday night.
"I would like it if you picked me up. But I would understand if you just want to meet me at my apartment."
Maybe it's not the headtrip I am making it out to be. I recognize it's a very small thing. I simply find such situations immensely baffling.
"We've been talking about me picking you up all week. I want to pick you up."
Then there was a discussion as to whether I was even allowed to hug him at the airport. He made some quip about how a hearty handshake is necessary, but all bets are off once we reach the car.
Fucking military. Has no one heard of the Sacred Band of Thebes?