Yesterday was the first day since we separated that we have not spoken to each other on the phone. We left each other voicemail messages (of course) but it never quite worked out.
I had my first anxiety dream in quite some time this morning. Pulling out of a parking spot, I smashed into the rear of a truck. Witnesses were all gathered on a nearby lawn and joined me as I spoke with the owner, a nearly seven foot tall drag queen who insisted on still growing a Fu Man Chu mustache despite wearing women's clothing and make-up. He/she was very courteous and seemed a little attracted to me, but I was more concerned about the fact that I could not find my driver's license. I checked every pocket, the seats of my car, and then attempted to retrace my steps throughout that day.
I awoke around 7:30, reasonably uncomfortable.
A. called me not long after. Then
S. called me. Then I called A. back because there was gossip to be had.
It seems that A. went out to dinner with
V. and
M. last night. Not surprisingly, they subjected him to the twenty-questions routine regarding myself and S. Apparently, S. is telling V. nothing as well (I don't know whether this is him taking a cue from me or just not bothering). So, M., always in everyone's business, demands to know what A. has heard. When A. tells her (honestly) that he has been told nothing, she becomes angry. She and V. start speculating, spinning little hypothetical situations. A prediction is made by M.:
"They will move in with each other in three months and then have a horrible, emotionally catastrophic break-up within a year."
I laughed it off and then informed A. that I probably wouldn't be able to make it to Spider-Man on Friday because I'm going to pick S. up at the airport (the first concrete evidence to anyone that we are actually in a relationship of any sort). I laughed it off and then later became a little annoyed. That fucking petty little bitch lashes out with pessimistic prophesies regarding relationships she knows nothing about specifically because she is bitter that she knows nothing about the relationships in question.
There's a delightful word (I think it may be Yiddish) for a Jewish woman who involves herself in everyone's business, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it is. M., who delights in playing match-maker for everyone she knows, is just fucking bitter that she is out of the loop.
And she will remain so.