Yesterday, the stack of printed out sample shots from my proposed interface change was dumped on my desk. So, it looks like I received the greenlight, which means, in theory, I have some work to do... sometime.
This morning I had a dream that I was working at a cookie manufacturing company with a bunch of people I knew in high school. The cookies were outlandishly enormous, cyclopean even, covered in white frosting with coin-sized mints embedded in the surface. When a coworker found out that myself and a few others were going to skip out of work on Friday to see a movie, he threatened to do the same. I became worried that our highjinks would get us fired.
Tonight is supposed to be the much-delayed, oft-canceled, hypothetical karaoke gathering. We are going to a Korean restaurant to celebrate the birthday of a female friend of mine who just so happens to love karaoke. Consequently, this celebration has been merged with the premiere public appearance of
Boy Bünd. I expect that my companions are all talk and I will end up being the only one to sing (if in fact the entire planned adventure does not collapse in upon itself first).