I have this odd habit of feigning complete literal mindedness and/or obtuseness during conversations. I used to do it because I thought it was terribly funny. I was inspired by my childhood hero Chris Knight from
Real Genius. While preparing to seek revenge upon Kent, the following dialog took place:
Chris Knight: Kent put his name on his license plate.
Mitch Taylor: My mother does that to my underwear.
Chris Knight: Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?
For no identifiable reason, I find miscommunication/misinterpretation very entertaining. Maybe I'm just petty enough that I find personal satisfaction in the frustration of others. I started replicating this sort of thing in my daily life. Someone might ask something along the lines of: "Last night I dreamt an elephant was chasing me, so I ran and hid under a car. Isn't that weird?" To which I would inevitably respond, "Weird to run and hide when chased by an elephant? Not at all."
Now, as the years have passed, it has become like second nature to me. It's an eccentric habit, I think. It's supposed to be playful but people inevitably figure I'm either not all that swift or I am a prick toying with them. No doubt, the latter has something to do with the supposed Aura of Disdain I have been accused of projecting.