Feb 04, 2002 15:02
Sometimes, while at work, I log onto AIM just hoping to see this guy; we're never logged on at the same time (well, once). It's kind of pathetic and maybe a bit spooky, stalking someone I hardly know. But whatever.
We all have our illusions.
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on my other website, I had a visitor start sending me Edgar Allen Poe poems. After two, I wrote them back trying to open up some sort of normal communication. They freaked out (apparently) and never visited my site again. (info via my statmeter) If I found someone watching me from the bushes I'd probably invite him in to watch tv or something.
sigh, im so hoppity-enthusiastic about people it freaks them out. :(
The thing I hate about being on AIM is that you end up chatting with people (who would've thought?) It's not that I hate chatting with people, it's that I possess a remarkable inability to extricate myself from conversations. This applies also to phone conversations and has thus resulted in many 4 hour phone call (despite protracted periods of silence). I don't know what it is. I just don't like to be the one to cut things off.
I give, and I give, and I give.
I'm actually on AIM for more than 8 hours a day due to work. I suppose I should just add my LJ friends to my work account's buddy list, then I'd never have to log on. I haven't done it up to now because I didn't want someone walking by my computer and starting to chat with an LJ friend.
god I'm overtired or hungry or stressed or undersexed or something.
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