Jun 16, 2004 13:24
I haven't updated in a while. So i'll update for a couple days.
Monday- woke up at 1030. Went to Garber with my mom for this thing for my brother. Then came home and showered and blow dryed my hair. Then I went running with my dog:). When we got home from that, Katrina called and wanted me to go to movie with her, Sam, and Cody. So I got ready and went to see Garfield with all of them. It was a gay movie, but it was kind of funny. So after we got out of the movie, we wanted to go swimming. So we went home and got our stuff and Katrina's dad took all of us out to her grandma's house:). The pool was actually warm. So, we got done with swimming and Cody got picked up. Then we took Sam home, I stayed the night at Katrina's house:).
Tuesday- stayed at Katrina's the night before, so we woke up at like 7 because we had basketball camp at 8! I had some orange juice and we left for Central. Our camp ended at 10. But then I had to hang around until 1130 because I had to wait for my brother to get done with football comditioning. So I got home around noon. I had some lunch and went for a run with my dog. Then I came home and slept for like 4 hours:). Mmm, it was nice. So I woke up had dinner and watched the Pistons! They won! And Chauncy got the MVP! Soo cool:). When the game ended I went to bed!!!!!
Commments Pleassssssse!!!! :) :)