Oct 11, 2003 00:11
What's in a name? Just about everything. My name shows both courage and cowardice. Faith and fear.
I know of only two references to waterwalking. One to the Son of man. The other, to Peter. My wife suggested Peter as my name for live journal. So brave and yet so foolish. So powerful and yet denies the Son of man three times. After being baptzied by fire, witnessing the conversion of Cornelius and even after raising the dead, Peter shows himself to be racist. Here is a person full of contradiction.
But I digress. We are, after all, speaking of waterwalking.
Peter can not waterwalk. Yet according to the account, he does. Stranger than the waterwalking itself is how he falls. The account says that Peter notices that the wind is contrary, and he begins to sink.
Like wind and wave have anything to do with whether or not he can waterwalk! Do what you know to do even though it is impossible for you to do it. Be what you know to be even though it is impossible for you to be it.
Peter was waterwalking until he believed something totally irrelevant that said saying he couldn't.
How many times have I found myself doing something I truly couldn't do (though I was in fact doin it) only to fail later because something completely irrelevant caused me to doubt that I could do it?
May you waterwalk with boldness in the face of all contradiction. May there always be a waterwalker beside you to pull you out when you doubt.
Can I interest you in a pair of nose plugs? But, then again, why would you need them?
"Just in case," you say.
Splish-splash now you're takin a bath.