What I Wanted to Say About the NCAA and Other Stressors

Mar 23, 2008 19:23

Damn you, Georgetown.  I should have known not to bet on a team that f-ing Condi Rice cheered for.  Roy, you let me down.  I thought you could take Hansbrough, but you couldn't take the pressure of Davidson.  
Good try Miss. St.  I take all this one on myself.  I shouldn't have put so much pressure and faith in you, I'm sorry. 
 Damn you, too, OU.  Louisville doesn't deserve to advance, but I guess you didn't get that memo.

The stress in the lab these days, f-ing insane.  Match Day.  Match Day.  Match Day.  It is the week that looking in microscopes becomes horribly, horrible.  I'm sorry you're freaking out, but seriously, my MCAT---100 times more important.  (OK, well I guess you have a point.  If I don't do well, at least I won't be out 200,000)
Speaking of MCAT---Self, you are such an asshole.  Seriously.  Could your notes have been any more horrible than they were when you first started actually taking them?

Free Radio.  Why does this show f--ing make me laugh so hard? 
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