Feb 13, 2005 10:39
So basically…im grounded for four weeks… you get two D’s and the parents freak lol…yea I know it’s my fault for my grades but four weeks is outrageous. I do have my phone; but only at the hours of the day that they have selected. I get my phone from like 7am to like nightfall…idk whenever they feel like taking it. Just call me and leave a message. Other than that the livejournal when im doing my ‘research’ is the only other way of communication. Today I have gone to practice then my dad made me move furniture…its so much fun. NOT! Im way sore. Im actually excited for school to start because then I get to see people other than my ugly ass parents. See what I don’t get is what parents expect you to do once all your homework, laundry, and housework is done. Like now what am I supposed to do? Everything possible is already done. Lol im already having AIM withdrawals. Yea…im pathetic I know. So that’s all for now. I’m so bored someone help me!!!