July Questions
1. What is your character's least favorite holiday or celebration?
Easter, if only because she stopped paying much attention to her religious upbringing and it's hard to ignore then.
2. For whom did your character buy birthday gifts last year? What did he get for them?
She got christmas gifts for everyone and their brother but no birthday gifts.
3. Does your character believe in ghosts, the occult, aliens, or the supernatural? If so, why?
She doesn't so much believe as she doesn't disbelieve. She's from the deep south and there's a sort of requirement to believe in the ghosts of your ancestors and all that. As for aliens, she'll believe when she sees.
4. Does your character believe he has had any personal encounters with ghosts, the occult, aliens, or the supernatural?
Since she doesn't consider mutants to be supernatural, no.
5. Does your character believe in astrology, palmistry, tarot, or other methods of divination?
It's silly fun to read it in the paper, but no.
6. Has your character ever been to an astrologer, palmist, or other psychic? If so, what predictions were made for him? How does he feel about them, and have they come true?
She went to them at the fair before she ran away, mostly with her girlfriends for laughs.
7. How does your character feel about sex? What mores and morals does he apply to it?
Marie has a very odd view of sex. She's been with two men, both of whom she has cared about enough to call it love. It's not that important to her though, not as much as things like snuggling and cuddling are.
8. What sort of relationship did (or does) your character have with his parents?
Marie had an amazing relationship with her parents growing up. She was their princess and she always felt secure and content. It's why when the incident with Cody happened and she saw that change in the way they looked at her, it hurt so much. She'd always had their love and suddenly she had fear.
9. If someone asked your character what the most important rule to live by was, how would he answer?
Always be true to yourself. At least if you live that way, you won't hate yourself in the end.
10. What is the worst gift your character ever received?
A set of blank dogtags.
11. Has your character ever deliberately set out to emotionally hurt someone?
Yes, once. It was John and it was revenge and it was ugly. She'd never do it again.
12. Describe one unconscious drive, ambition or goal your character possesses that he would never consciously admit to himself or to others.
Marie wants to have it all. If she could she would be mother, caretaker, lover, wife, superhero and the freaking president if she could. It's not that she's an overachiever, it's merely a desire to save the world.
13. Detail one secret shame your character feels.
That she never went back to see Cody and she never will. She didn't even send flowers while he was in a coma.
14. What is the best meal your character ever had?
A nutrition bar in the cab ofa beat up truck with a very scary man. That was a life changing moment for her.
15. Is there anyone your character despises?
Not really. There are people he doesn’t like and others he won’t tolerate but none that he down right hates or despises.
16. Is there anyone your character would die to protect?
39 children in her care. Cain, Bobby, John and Logan. Most of them wouldn't need her help but she would give her life for them.
17. What is the worst news your character has ever received? How did he handle it?
That a single kiss from her had left her first crush in a coma. She didn't handle it well at all, running away from home to try and hide what she was and what she'd done.
18. Your character just received an envelope. Whatever it is, the idea of opening it fills his with dread. What is it? And what happens when he opens it?
Since very few know how to reach her where she is, it would likely be an outdated letter from her parents. Sadly it might be that Momma or Daddy died and she was too late to say goodbye.
19. How does your character feel about her government?
She's never spoken of this, but she hates it. She blames them, as much as Magneto, for what happened to her and for everything that's going on in her world.
20. Does your character care about politics? How vehemently, and what are his views?
She shouldn't, and she tries to stay away from it, but she does care. She wants to see things settled and for their to be equality. Sadly she also doesn't believe it will happen but close enough will make her happy.
21. Is there any political issue that could motivate your character to violence?
Mutant Rights, childrens rights.
22. List five things that could motivate your character to use violence.
1. Harming the children in her care.
2. Harming her and the child she cares.
3. Pointing a gun at her and telling her she's going to die - HI TOM.
4. Be Magneto
5. Being Opal and having locked Bobby in your basement for months on end.
23. List three things that could motivate your character to kill.
1. Harming the children.
2. Self Defense
3. Be Magneto
24. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did he pick them up?
-Sugar - She doesn't use it as much as she used to but it's there. Sweet southern roots.
-ya'll - See above
- I'm fine. No. Really. - The last few months. No one believes her.
25. How does your character feel about romantic relationships?
Marie is a dyed in the wool romantic that has been burned one too many times. She fears it as much as she desires it. She wants them, she cringes from every move of it.
26. What is your character's romantic history?
She put her first crush in a coma for two weeks. That was her first kiss as well. She fell easily into hero worship/puppy crush with logan and a bit more grown up crush on Bobby, the first person she intimately touched since Cody. Then she fell madly, head over heels in love with John - First by magic and then because it was where her heart was. It was wild and violent and crazy mad. They broke up because of the war and not as much by choice; just too different. She didn't fall for Cain. It was a slow burn sort of thing where she woke up one morning and realized she was in love.
27. What is the best romantic relationship your character has ever had?
Right now with Cain, even if he's a bit clingy.
28. What is the worst romantic relationship your character has ever had?
Cody, only for how it ended.
29. If your character hasn't yet settled down with someone, what could motivate him to do so? If he has, what could motivate him to change his mind again?
Not sure if they're settled down but her and Cain are expecting a child and so they're working as best they can as a couple. Wich is, in the end, pretty damn well.
30. If your character has a romantic partner, would that person ever cheat on him?
Nope. Not ever.
- Describe the circumstances under which your character's partner might cheat on him.
Maybemaybemaybe for Tom. Maybe.
- Describe the kind of person who could convince your character's partner to cheat on him.
31. Would your character ever cheat on a romantic partner?
Sadly, she might. I don't think she would but I can't swear she wouldn't. Likely she would come very close, think about the look on Cain's face when she told him, and she would because she couldn't lie about that, and she would back out at the last minute.
- Describe the circumstances under which your character might cheat on his partner.
Logan or perhaps Bobby.
- Describe the kind of person who could convince your character to cheat on his partner.
It would be capturing the past, having that which she longed for.