Dec 07, 2005 21:01
wayyyyyyyy too cold. waywayway too cold. so anyway today was a bad day. i saw something i never want to see again. i looked in the mirror at work today...& saw.... a big roll of fat hanging over the top of my skirt. yes... it was big. i should have cried. i think i will....
seriously... the gym is calling me, & i am finally going. im going this saturday before work just to get the information & stuff. then me & colleen bellarina are going. i HAVE to. i cant deal with this shit anymore. hardly eating doesnt work for me, & i was running for a little bit.. untill it snowed out. im not running in the snow. no thank you. so when i get paid this friday all that moneys going towards christmas shopping/the gym/gas/car insurance. yeahh im not gonna have anything left oh well. & that will only leave me with like enough money to christmas shop for like 2 people. ay.
damnit i have cat hair in my eye.
so today our superivisor called & told jess how much im getting for my raise. starting next week or so, im getting paid $8.50. not as much as i had hoped but better than nothing. so that means i got a $1.00 raise when i passed my keys test. ive only been there for about 5 monthes & already got 2 raises so thats not too bad. ok this cat hairs pissing me off.
yeah so my goal for the next couple weeks starting next week, is to go the gym as much as possible & lose as much weight as possible.
the end.