Oct 07, 2005 21:33
I went out to a nice 7.99 All-you-can-eat pasta meal at Olive Garden with Alyssa because I have a crush on her. I didn't hesitate to add the huncles of sausage and meataballa for $1.95. Soo good. I love their breadsticks and zuppe toscana! It brings a serious joygasm on! We went to TJ Maxx afterwards and I totally got the nostalgic I want to go snowboarding thing again. I've been a little strapped for cash since mommy and daddy don't cover my living expenses like when I lived in Spokane. I am doing pretty good, though. Anyways, at TJ I saw this Dub snowboarding jacket for $100 that was super awesome! It was good and normally costs over $200. Oh man, I got my board down here this year, too, so I am going to hit it up. Unfortunately, I just checked the Ski Bowl at Mt. Hood Season Pass tickets and they are just outrageous. To think that I have $390 for an effing pass is just ridiculous. If I was 21 it woulda cost me $325, but oh wells. An off-peak pass (no saturdays, can't go 12/26-1/2, but after mar. 1 you are ok every day) is $199. I think I am going to get that, I have Fridays off anyways, so I am chill with that yo.
So school is alright, I'm taking history, business professional selling, and speech. Dude WOLFSAGE! Man, my history teachers name is john copp! His email is wolfsage@something.com I asked him what wolfsage was and he said he couldn't speak about because it had something spiritual to do with the Native American church. I could not believe this man. He is like 6'2", wears cowboy boots everyday, with jeans, a t-shirt and blazer, and long flowing gray hair. EVERYDAY I WALK IN TO CLASS AND HE IS SITTING CROSS-LEGGED ON A TABLE! It is just amazing. He is a non-nihilist anarchist and of course dislikes Bush. How cliche'. The class is all participation, which is cool. The campus is huge at Clark, it's like a real college campus, it doesn't seem like a community college. And I must add the groundskeeping is just fabulous, the greenest grass you ever did see.
Hehehehe nachos! - Beavis
I am really bummed about how much rock climbing I have missed out on this year. I only went like 3-4 times. Definitely not enough, but I might go bouldering at this place called Rocky Butte tomorrow by myself. Bouldering, in case you guys didn't know, is like no harness or ropes, and only climbing like 5 ft. off the ground safely and moving left to right to expand your skillz. It doesn't seem like much, but it's my life. No but really it's pretty fun. I am going to try and get into mountain biking this fall, too, I guess there is some sweet hills at this place montgomery park by where I live.
Dudes I miss my Spokane friends, wha happen? It's been awhile since I've done some sweet adventuring. Does anyone remember the firehouse adventure or going underneath Riverfront Park or under Rock City Grill. Those were the times! I love my Alyssa and Portland, though. Portland has its perks.
Whoa, I'm watching Pimp My Ride and she has a popcorn dispenser, movie projecter, and suntan lotion dispenser built into her car! Thats effing crazy. This entry is ridiculously long, nobody will even get to this point.