RP LOG with seeuincourt @ itsalondonthing | Mutal Akwardness

Jun 14, 2010 22:32

LINK: When Liam woke up, it felt like he had been asleep for a month. In fact, he felt like what he assumed a zombie would feel like. His eyes gave him the sensation like they were falling out of his head, which was slightly foggy and achy. At first, he just sat on the side of the bed to get his bearings, hugging his arms around his middle, and taking in the fact he wasn't at home... he was at Sophie's. He still didn't feel that great, and zero appetite. The blood tests indicated he might have a slight virus somewhere in him too, his white cells a little on the low side, but nothing to be overly concerned about. In fact, they were more concerned about the anaemia, and he was prescribed iron pills. Those bastards really fucked with a GI tract, and his stomach was upset from them and he had only had one dose shoved down his throat. It all wasn't so bad, though. It meant because he was feeling crap, he had more of an urge to get better so his family stopped watching him like a hawk. He knew they were going to, starting with Sophie, who he was probably lucky even closed the bedroom door so she couldn't keep an eye on him. It was how the Morgan family operated... until he was back on his feet and 100% healthy again, they wouldn't stop watching him to make sure he was okay. Although it was irksome, Liam was glad he had a family like that. Whenever he felt crap, someone was always there with a hug.

His mind inevitably turned to Joe, and he just stared blankly at the plush, expensive champagne coloured carpet of the equally plush, expensive spare room of Sophie and Ethan's apartment...

[arc] the ex factor, [with] seeuincourt, [comm] itsalondonthing, [co-written] seeuincourt, [rp] seeuincourt, [ship] liam/joe

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