The 101 game

Sep 05, 2005 00:24

Yep, pretty random

1. I'm named after my dad
2. I was almost named Pheonix
3. I used to be terrified of Sweeney Todd
4. marriage scares me to death
5. so does the thought of losing my parents
6. I'm no where near as nice as I should be
7. I'm as hard on myself as I am on everyone else, sometimes harder
8. I worry I won't accomplish all the things I want to in life
9. I'm the most consistently stressed person I know
10. I think I'm falling in love with acting
11. I'm addicted to the Style Network
12. also to soda
13. I'm very afraid of dying young or losing my sight or hearing, and I think about it a lot
14. my favorite kind of chocolate is semi sweet
15. but I still love every kind of chocolate
16. I have a hard time letting things go
17. my current boyfriend loves me more than anyone other than my parents ever has
18. I love every color, but especially pink
19. I believe in miracles
20. I believe a lot of things other people think are impossible
21. I love movies based on Nicholas Sparks books, but can't stand his actual books
22. after almost a year I still haven't found a dresser I like enough to buy it
23. I feel very at home in my room. it's really "me"
24. I'm a perfectionist
25. I love my brother a lot and I'm not sure if he realizes it
26. sometimes I'm so profoundly affected by a dream I have it will influence my whole next day
27. I like reading my horoscope
28. I'd love to have pink hair
29. I used to wear platforms and glitter everywhere and watch Velvet Goldmine all the time
30. I still love glam rock
31. I have some of the best friends ever
32. I love lip gloss!
33. once a few years ago, my family moved from a house to an apartment and we had to give away our two dogs. I still think about them
34. when I was little, I'd order eggs over medium and eat everything but the yolk (which I'd leave in neatly trimmed circles on my plate)
35. I'm very neurotic
36. I still have a garland I bought at the Lemon Festival during Mame
37. I need to work out more
38. after my first breakup, I used to stay up all night and bake
39. my favorite character on Boy Meets World is Shawn Hunter
40. I'm watching the Style Network right now
41. I've never had a sustained close frienship with a guy because one of us always ends up having unrequited romantic feelings for the other
42. I'm a good cook
43. I believe in God
44. I can't stand bleu cheese
45. every now and then I try bleu cheese just to see if this time I'll like it, and I never do
46. I used to be allergic to orange juice
47. it bothers me when people think they're better than other people
48. I love to shop
49. I went on Splash Mountain for the first time this year
50. I can be an incredibly silly person when I'm tired
51. I'm extremely proud of my mom
52. if I want an educated opinion on anything, I go to my dad
53. I've never been baptised, because my parents wanted me to be old enough to make my own choice
54. I say quiet prayers for people all the time
55. I failed my driver's test before I passed it
56. when I was 14, I once had a crush on my dad's 32-year-old friend. yuck.
57. I can't watch movies about cannibalism
58. I didn't sleep after I saw the Village
59. or Mullholland Drive
60. I love any show where I get to wear a bonnet
61. I have problems trusting sometimes
62. I watch Masterpiece theater whenever I can and I own several of them
63. I love everything British and can't wait to go to England one day
64. I can be oblivious to things sometimes because I choose not to let myself see them
65. I'm meanest to the people I love and I always feel horrible after
66. I love to fantasize about my career
67. I believe in positive visualization
68. I like to listen to Dr. Wayne Dier
69. being in Claremont Village makes me feel calm
70. I like drinking tea
71. sometimes I wish I'd been born in the 19th century
72. I've seen just about every episode of Little House on the Prairie
73. I feel very close to God sometimes when I sing
74. I'm friends with my parents, there's nothing I can't ask them
75. my guilty pleasure is the Oblongs
76. I call Gloria Jean's White chocolate oreo cookie chillers "liquid prozac"
77. I saw 5 seconds of Kill Bill once and it disturbed me so much that I can never see the rest
78. I love to ask people questions about themselves and try to understand their lives
79. I like surprises, but not change
80. I'm a night owl
81. I really like the SeaLab theme
82. I have 3 bank accounts
83. I love cleaning out my closet and giving my clothes away to charity
84. I also love throwing things away
85. I like winter
86. I hate hot weather
87. I love scarves and gloves
88. I love Secret Santas
89. and hot cocoa
90. and Christmas time
91. I'm in love with the idea of adopting a child
92. if I ever had my own child, I think I'd feel extremely guilty if I didn't adopt one too
93. I feel other people's pain so deeply that I have to shut it off and ignore it sometimes
94. I love being a musical theater ingenue. it's given me more fun than I ever could have dreamed
95. I'd like my range to be higher
96. I used to do karate when I was little
97. my family (including my close friends and Jordan) is the most precious thing in the world to me
98. I love eating lunch at my mom's work and meeting her mentally challenged clients at work; seeing how important her job is, and how much fun they have
99. I've auditioned for Performance Riverside at least 10 times and never been cast there
100. I set very high standards for myself
101. it was a lot easier to come up with 101 facts than I thought

Props to you if you made it through the whole list. G'night.
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