Tuesdays With Morrie

Nov 15, 2005 09:56

I dunno how to spell morrie, I can't remember. But, anyway, I'm just bored so I thought I'd write a little. I don't have anytihng to say, though. I woke up this morning feeling like I didn't want to move for almost anything. But, I got out of bed eventually, and ended up getting to school early. Which is alright. It was freezing in my math class, and we turned up the heat so it felt better. I'm wearing Jassie's tank top that she left over at the house a million years ago, and I forgot to give her this past weekend (sorry). It's kinda comfy. I wish my arms were smaller so I could wear it without an overshirt. At work, I'm detention, and that's very nice because I don't feel like being outside today, so yay for me. I hope today rushes by for a lot of reasons. Number one, I want to watch Boston Legal. Of course, now everytime I watch that show its going to remind me of MAD (thanks to Cragg and his directing an episode of B.L. and him [assumingly] writing a sketch about it). But that's okay, because MAD's cool (mostly).
This morning I heard 'Come Sail Away' in the car. It was cool, because I was all by myself and got the chance to belt it out in Cartman's voice. That was fun. And I'm sure it'll be the icing on the cake of my day. Does anyone else eat the icing first? Because I'm guessing I did this morning. But that's okay.
Thanksgiving is coming up fast. I hate Thanksgiving. I hate it even more than Christmas, because at least at Christmas its more about giving than FOOD. I understand the history of it and stuff, they were all thankful because they got some food. Well, I always get food, any time I want, because I'm a modern American who isn't homeless and all that stuff. I mean, I like the thankful part of it, and I wish we could all just let it be a thinakful holiday with a modest meal, but people aren't really thankful on Thanksgiving. They use it as an excuse to eat until they explode, and then they're thnakful that they don't have to clean up their explosion mess. Of course, I know that when I have kids and stuff, it'll be "so much fun" because we'll go to relatives houses and all that junk. Well, I just don't like the whole thing revolving around food. I mean, if Thanksgiving were abolished, I wouldn't miss it. This is how I view the damn thing:
Happy Thanksgiving, Boys and Girls!!!! Today is your chance to eat until you throw up, Fight with your family, be selfish and take as much as you want because it doesn't matter (it's a holiday!!!), fight some more with your family, eat some more food, act even greedier than usual, eat some more food, and fight with your family some more until no-one's talking to eachother and everyone's already vowed that the family's not doign Thanksgiving next year because its not worth it but everyone's still afraid of Daddy holding the carving knife for the main course!!!!!!!!!
Hooray, and I hope I'm not TOO annoying about that.... But, the thing is, I still want to spend time with the people I love and stuff.... I dunno. Some things are more important than worrying about fighting and whining and pigging out and stuff. And that's quality time. I'm scared to death of death, and I don't want to miss anything in anybody's life because.... I'm scared. Which might also be a reason I don't like Thanksgiving. I dunno why exactly, but it very well might be.
I guess I've ranted enough. And, just to see if you've payed any attention, or just skimmed through it, there's going to be a written examination followed promptly. Write at least a ten word essay on what you've just read above. Post it as a comment below. Points possible: 3 million. Grading scale: 2,888,999-3,000,000: A+. 2,888,998- 2,122,334: A. 2,122,333- 1,546,002: B+. 1,546,001- 1,544,332: B. 1,544,331- 0: F+. That's right. I don't give C's or D's. It's hit or miss on that one. So, just be glad it's not an F-, hot-shot.
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