Oct 28, 2004 17:34
The red soxw on, thank you God! Now lives can be nornal agaiN!
Update on my gums: Some gum tissue will be removed so that recurrences may be prohibited.
I found a book! I am reading: "Living History: Hillary Clinton." On page thirty but some good stuff.
Spanish quiz tomorrow, yay!
I still need to call Ticketmaster so that WICKED tickets may finally be ordered.
I don't really like the new www.thephantomoftheopera.com, it's dissapointing, they have 8 photos now after Cameron mackintosh used to put like 600 hundred. That's because the RUG webmasters are idiots.
KH and StephP were looking for musicals today for the spring drama show and it was difficult as they cant do anything with drugs, violence, or swearing and sexual exploitment. Why do most of the good shows involve that?