Sep 12, 2012 07:39
I just woke from a strange dream. Apparently, at some point before the dream I had been attacked on the street by some man and beaten the crap out of him in front of a large crowd of people. Everyone knew this, but I only got to see it through flashbacks lasting between about 0.5 and 2 seconds. I got the impression that I didn't know this man, he just attacked me and I defended myself well; which is a refreshing change considering the fact that in every other dream where I'm attacked (that I can remember) I wind up helpless and... bad things happen. Anyway, after I'd beaten the crap out of my attacker, he ran off somewhere and I, though a bit shaken apparently went about my business. I think I went to the police and did all the things you're supposed to do when someone attacks you, but I never saw flashbacks of that. The attacker had been identified, but there was a problem in that he had disappeared. I got the impression the police were searching for him but having no luck. For some reason everyone assumed I'd killed the man. I was trying to go about my day (in the most bizarre high school I've ever seen) and people--students, teachers, reporters, and even random passersby--kept angrily demanding I tell them where the body was. I was being borderline verbally abused by a particularly angry gym teacher when my alarm went off.
Considering the fact that I woke up from a dream where I was strangling what I assume was my sister-in-law yesterday, it seems I'm in for a week of very strange dreams.