So I woke up at 4 this morning after having an absolutely horrible dream. I was afraid to go back to sleep and thought about calling people, but I was afraid that no one would be awake and of the reactions I’d get if they were. So instead, I spent a half hour looking through the dream dictionary to see if I could find anything about the dream I’d
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Any dream that correlates to other dreams or in general is a recurring dream/dream subject is usually considered to be an attempt of the subconscious to purvey an important message. The more recurrent the theme, the more important the message.
Emotional torture by a man, as a recurrent symbol, means frustration and uneasiness over realtionships, specifically pertaining to people you are unsure of identifying as friends or even false friends who you suspect are 'impugning your honor.' Typically in the form of gossip, you are in general worried about things that may be being said of you.
The children symbolize your desires for domestic happiness and good future although you still desire independence in some way (because one is a toddler). Since you are caring for the children and are not sure they are yours, it means you are trying to accomlish this but do not have it in your life currently.
Putting a children in the bath was a warning omen that your descisions will directly influence the omen of the children. That the children drowned because of your neglect means that your current descisions have produced a bad situation and that the hopes "in the tub" cannot be achieved while you handle other conflicts in your life.
Your satisfaction in the dream actually is a warning of egocentricity, and your warning of quiet to the children grouped with your being trapped with no bonds means that you are to ignore gossip about you but be very very careful in doing that because you are ignoring the distress of a person you know and they know you are not listening.
Being rescued means a bad luck period for potentially a week or two, perhaps accident-prone. Eating with Jeff was a good luck omen because you were not eating alone and drinking means that you are ignoring the onset of a very embarrassing apology you may have to make relatively soon. Jeff's taking a nap in the dream signifies your acknowledgement of his percieved emotional security recently. your in general behavior in the dream is a warning that you should control yourself from being overgenerous emotionally and that you are really hoping for a good outcome or good luck soon.
Any detail that is remembered is considered important in dream iterpretation because even something as small as the color of something can change the meaning. That you remembered it at all means it was significant enough for interpretation. So this is my loose interpretation, hopefully it means something to you :)
there weren't really any colors as it was a greyscale dream, but it was blue instead of black. This was one of the colors in the range.
the tub was very full. too full to be putting kids that age in. the water was a little lighter than that color, but not much.
the whole sequence with Jeff was actually very short. really the only things i "saw" in the dream were him arriving and us talking right before he fell asleep, but i "knew" the other things had taken place. i can tell you that he was reclined on the sofa and i was sitting on the floor leaning against it right where the arm of the sofa was on the side toward Jeff's head.
the tub was narrow and deep. the best way i can describe it is that it looked like a thick door. it was roughly that shape, just thick enough for the toddler. it was made out of that textured clear plastic stuff that looks like a window after an ice storm. it was just tall enough to where i had to reach up at about a 30 degree angle to touch the top. (i figured that out because i know the position of my arms when i was reaching for the bodies and i just looked at it.)
the toddler was floating face down and the baby was lower in the water reaching up to him. the baby was actually wedged in the tub and i had to push to get him out. i got the baby first and had to struggle to get the toddler because he was heavier. i think i had made enough noise to wake Jeff because i sensed someone coming down the hall just as i woke up.
other than that, there aren't really any details, just brief flashes of things and knowing what happened.
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