
Jul 22, 2004 07:29

Well, today is the last day that I will have internet services. Before the day is over I will have to turn in my cable boxes, etc. I still haven't started packing but after a shower to wake me up, I will start. I HATE packing! Oh well. It has to be done. I just wanted to say "Goodbye" before I turned in my internet stuff and left. I leave really early tomorrow exciting?! Can't wait for the 19 hour drive in a Penske truck...woohoo! It's gonna suck!

Other than that, my parents are actually in Ocala as I type. When my Mom called to tell me, and she told me why, my selfish bitch ass was mad that they weren't going to come see me. The circumstances in which my parents are in Florida are not pleasant ones and they would rather have not had to come. My Mom's brother is in the hospital in Ocala. He and his wife have lived in Florida (Bellevue) for about 5 years now. My uncle and his wife met at AA meetings. Yeah...they are alcoholics. And, that would be why my uncle is now in the hospital filled with cancer. My uncle weighs about 135 pounds and has tumors on his pancreas, his liver, and a whole bunch of other places. He was turning ""YELLOW" like one of my favorite students so they went to drain his liver but couldn't b/c a tumor was blocking it. THey are going to attempt to operate, but it's pretty pointless. While my unle was still living in Minnesota, the doctor he went to there told him that unless he stopped drinking and smoking he shouldn't make another appointment with him. He said he wants patients who want to live not patients with a death wish. He told my uncle that if he kept up his drinking and smoking that he would give him 5 years! He has been here 5 years! It's sad that my Mom's brother (my Godfather) is going through this, but I barely knew him, so I am not too emotional about it. (I know, I'm a bitch!) Even my Mom said she felt that she doesn't know him anymore and can't decide if she feels sorry for him or if she wants to beat him for being so stupid. The reason I put this in here is sort of as a "warning"! I know that most of you who read my posts are straightedge and/or just don't drink or do any drugs at all, but college is a whole new ballgame. It will be hard to resist...I promise...especially if you go to a school where there isn't much else to do. The point I want to make is that an alcoholic doesn't know he or she is an alcoholic when they take their first drink. That is where it starts...that first drink...and it can snowball from there to the point that you have no control. You may think it could never happen to you, but do you really think that my uncle thought at age 60 something he would be laying in a hospital bed without a chance just waiting for the cancer to completely take over? Just think about that one...let it sink in. That is something that my Mom instilled in me really early. One other thing she said was, "Are they really "friends" or are they just drinking buddies, people who are only there to get drunk with?"

So, on that pleasant note, I bid you adieu (sp?). I really enjoyed all of you. The students are going to be about the only thing in Florida that I am going to miss. You all better keep in touch. I want to know how school is going and everything else. Since I kind of got a life of my own (Henrique), ;) I don't check this stuff as often anymore, so e-mail me big news. And, as always, if any of you ever need anything...I'm a phonecall or e-mail away.

Take care!

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